This thread is a F.A.Q. for all those soundtrack questions regarding Volume 2. it’s the sister thread to the FAQ - Kill Bill Volume 1 Soundtrack Questions topic
Frequently asked questions and answers:
Q: Does anybody know the name of the song thats playing when Pai Mei and the Bride are fighting using their tiger claw and eagle claw??
A: The song is called “Three Tough Guys” by Isaac Hayes
Note: How about buying the soundtrack of three tough guys? I got mine earlier this summer. It also has “run fay run” on it. It’s a remastered cd but the quality is still quite crappy.
Q: Which movie is “L’ARENA” originally in? You know, the song by Ennio Morricone that’s used in Kill Bill Vol 2.
A: IL MERCENARIO. With Franco Nero (aka The Mercenary)
Note: If you like that movie, also check out COMPANEROS
Q: When Beatrix gives Bill the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique, and he is saying like ‘you’re not a bad person…’ and then right after that is Navajo Joe’s theme. The guitar sort of sounds like Navajo Joe, and I’m willing to bet money it’s an Ennio Morricone song, but help me out.
A: The Demise of Barbara and The Return of Joe from Navajo Joe
Q: please does anyone know the song thats playing when the Beatrix (the bride/black mamba/whatever) is walking across the desert type thing and then shes on top of the mountain and she sees elle get out of her car and walk into Budds trailer? im not talkin bout the Ironside (except) lil bit im talkin bout the music before.
A: That would be “Sunny Road to Salina” - Bernard Girard Christophe
Q: uh, does anyone know what song is playing when Budd is talking to Bill at the start. The song leads into the start of “Grave of Paul Shlutz{sp}”.
A: “Dies Irae” is played by Nora Orlandi
Q: Does anyone know the song that is playing whenever the Bride is walking through the desert, right before she gets to Budd’s trailer and starts kicking ass? I don’t believe it’s on the soundtrack.
A: Sunny Road to Salina
Q: It’s when Beatrix and BB are in bed watching Shogun Assassin.
A: About her - malcom mclaren
Q: looking for the name of the last Song in Kill Bill 2
A: Navajo Joe Theme - Ennio Morricone, or could be Black Mamba by RZA or “demise of barbara return of joe” - ennio morricone
Q: What is the song that’s played during Bill’s death scene?
A: Its the title theme from Navajo Joe (1966) a great spaghetti western directed by Sergio Corbucci, starring Burt Reynolds. It’s not the main title actually. It’s a rendition of the main title that plays at the film’s conclusion right when the baddie takes the axe to the head.
Q: Does anybody know the name of the music that plays in Kill Bill: Volume 2 whilst The Bride kisses Bill and during the panning of the camera from the Chapel? It plays again after Budd injects Beatrix in the ass. Could you also tell me who the song is by
Q: I need to know this one…what is that song that starts right after Budd dies and Elle is collecting her money, its all western like guitar…its also on the official site under Budd…please help!!!
A: The latter two questions refer to pieces written by Robert Rodriguez, particularly for the film
“The Massacre at Two Pines” & “Budd Twang”
Q: When the Kill Bill vol. 2 main (DVD)screen comes on there is a song that is playing, do any of you other tarantino fanatics know what song that is?
A: Malcom McLaren - About her
Q: Also does anyone know the name of the song that plays(in Kill Bill vol.2) when The Bride does the 5-Point-Palm-Exploding-Heart-Technique?
A: “The demise of Barbara and the return of Joe - ENNIO MORRICONE”
Q: Right after The Bride hits the Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Techique on Bill,a quieter Western music is playing while they are exchanging their last words to one another. When he gets up, it gets loud, which is “Navajo Joe.” What is the quieter music before that?
A: Could be “demise of barbara, return of joe” also from navajo joe, those are quite similar. Could also be the other way around
Q: Where can I download some of the tracks by Robert Rodriquez?
A:It would be at this topic -
Q: what’s the music that plays right when she first sees B.B.?
Q: Whats the song that starts as soon as the Bride and Pai Mei fight hand to hand and ends right when Pai Mei finds the rock in the Bride’s hand and twists her arm. It plays for that short bit as they fight hand to hand. I’d appreciate it if anyone knew.
If anyone knows, please provide the name of the song being played at the beginning of the deleted scene when Bill and the Bride are walking in the alley.
What’s the music that is playing when The Bride is training with Pai Mei, when she is punching the wall?
I don’t know the name of it, but that was a pice of original music by the Rza.
[quote=“Seb (admin)”]
Another summary:
Q: uh, does anyone know what song is playing when Budd is talking to Bill at the start. The song leads into the start of “Grave of Paul Shlutz{sp}”.
A: “Dies Irae” is played by Nora Orlandi
Which first appeared the 1970 Italian giallo: The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh - I just picked up this DVD, and I immediately recognized the music, which is the main theme of the film. Of course, Tarantino is mentioned on the liner notes, as well by the director, Sergio Martino, in the bonus interviews.
What is the name of the spanish song that is playing when Budd walks into work late? Thanks
If I remember correctly, there is a mind blowing, funky instrumental song in a 70’s martial arts style, that kicks off when Beatrix and Elle starts to fight. What is the name of that song? ??? And am I the only person who noticed that song?
Does anyone know the name of the song that plays right after Beatrix does the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique??
Its some sort of western fanfare…like DA DA DAAAAAAA DA DA DAA DA DA DUH DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Does anyone know the name of the song that plays right after Beatrix does the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique??
Its some sort of western fanfare…like DA DA DAAAAAAA DA DA DAA DA DA DUH DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
That’d be “The Demise of Barbara and The Return of Joe from Navajo Joe” by Ennio Morricone from Navajo Joe.
Are you related to CPS by any chance?
The greatest music i have ever heard.
When the bride is in the coffin, ready to break out… and she says
Ok pai mei here i come.
Wheres the song from?
The song is “L’Arena” by Ennio Morricone from a great western movie called IL MERCENARIO.
Guys have a look to the list I posted in the wiki page:
<LINK_TEXT text=“ … Soundtrack”></LINK_TEXT>
really tryin to figure this out. what is the song that i think begins when the bride is walking up the stairs to pei mei? or is it when shes training… anyways, it was a song when the bride was on the stairs. a really cool beat with a little techno going on. is that the same song as the training scene?
Can anyone tell me the name of the female vocalist who sings with Malcolm McLaren in About Her? I’ve been trying to find an answer to that for the longest time! Thans.
P.S. – I know it’s likely not her, but it sounds like Stevie Nicks to me.
What’s the song in the DVD titles? Silhouettes of Beatrix and Pai Mei, starts with nylon guitar and continues with trumpets.
Can anyone tell me the name of the vocalist (female) who sings with Malcolm McLaren in About Her? Thanks
can anyone tell me the song that plays right after the Palm Exploding Heart Technique??
Hello guys! There´s a very short guitar riff / sequence directly after Budd’s death. Elle has read all her notes regarding the snake and closes her little notebook. Budd does his last breath and unfortunately all youtube scenes end here, but in the movie the following seconds are supported by a extremely cool guitar play, which i absolutely cannot find anywhere. Please help me! Thanks in advance!
Rodriguez did some bespoke stuff for the flick, might be one of these? Can you tell us the minute and seconds u hear it from the BluRay?