Bud's Demise and other things (SPOILERS NATURALLY)

Budd lied about pawning it. Unless he had a spare.

[quote]Budd lied about pawning it.  Unless he had a spare.[/quote]
A spare Hattori Hanzo doesn’t seem likely.

Budd said he pawned it to upset Bill. It was a gift from Bill and he knew it was priceless.

Wouldn’t a Hattori Hanzo sword have his mark on it? I didn’t see a mark on Budd’s. I’m going to see the movie again soon and have all of my answers ironed out.

The only closeup on Budds sword i remember was the inscription… it was defiently a Hanzo sword bill said it was priceless… the mark was probobly just on the other side.

P.S this a bit OT but does anyone know what kind of car Bill was driving? you saw it in the background when he visited Budd

maybe you can request an inscription and that is what bill decided to put on it

Bill’s car is an old classic Lamborgini.

Anyway, you cannot train a snake not to attack a specific human being and especially not a Black Mamba.

We dont know what happened to Elle and that’s a fact because of the question mark over her name at the end credit sequence. So we’re not sure whether the black mamba attacked her. As far as i remember i liked the whole Elle chapter better in the script. I mean she killed the black mamba and she died in a really cool way in the script. Died being the operative word. Elle not dying is like The Bride never had to make any list becuase her journey is incomplete.

If i saw Tarantino i would really ask this: why did he let Elle live?


[quote]Wouldn’t a Hattori Hanzo sword have his mark on it?  I didn’t see a mark on Budd’s.  I’m going to see the movie again soon and have all of my answers ironed out.[/quote]

I thought I did see the insigna. The Bride wouldn’t have had a chance against Elle with a regular sword anyways.

[ As far as i remember i liked the whole Elle chapter better in the script. I mean she killed the black mamba and she died in a really cool way in the script.

JW [/quote]

Well that would be a HUGE contradiction to to her character.

In The Script:

Only in death do they find the sisterhood that could have

       been theirs.

You see In the movie,  Elle was completely and utterly remorseless,that’s why she tried to kill the bride in her comatose state and that’s why Bea let her live…to suffer.

I disagree on the Bill bit. Mainly because when he tells B.B. he knew what was going to happen when he shot Beatrice, but he didn’t expect to feel sad. And he admits to being “a real bad daddy” which I think is a sign of a heavy conscience.

He felt sad because he loved her and missed her. He was wrong when he thought he wouldn’t fill sad, but that doesn’t make him sorry. I doubt he really wanted her dead…again, hence why he stopped Elle from killing her in Volume I. But that doesn’t mean he felt guilty about it, or felt that he necessarily deserved to die for his actions.

At least not in the manner that Budd claimed to be committed to it.


He felt sad because he loved her and missed her.  He was wrong when he thought he wouldn’t fill sad, but that doesn’t make him sorry.  I doubt he really wanted her dead…again, hence why he stopped Elle from killing her in Volume I.  But that doesn’t mean he felt guilty about it, or felt that he necessarily deserved to die for his actions.

At least not in the manner that Budd claimed to be committed to it.[/quote]
Very true.

I think we can agree to disagree. :wink:

Yeah, or even Vernita? She was on for like 10 minutes!![/quote]

I didn’t like Vernita.


I didn’t like Vernita.[/quote]
I did, and that’s all that really matters, don’t it? :stuck_out_tongue:

I did, and that’s all that really matters, don’t it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Wouldn’t a Hattori Hanzo sword have his mark on it?  I didn’t see a mark on Budd’s.  I’m going to see the movie again soon and have all of my answers ironed out.[/quote]

I think Hattori Hanzo customizes each sword he makes. Beatrix has a lioness, Bill has a devil, and Budd has an inscription. Each for their own special meanings. For example, Beatrix has a lioness and at the end, "The lioness has been reunited with her cub, and all is right in the jungle."

This places an emphasis on the quality and power of the sword. The sword speaks for itself, it doesn’t need a logo. This makes each sword a unique and authentic work of art. Which is why you can’t compare two Hanzo’s.

I still have hope that she survives. Come on! Elle has her cell phone!!

that would be interesting if QT used Elle as a Blind Swordsman in the possible kb 3. Elle Driver in the role of Zatoichi. that would be kickass.

Elle lacks the serenity to play a Zatoichi character. I’m not saying it won’t happen, but I’m praying to God it doesn’t.

[quote]Elle lacks the serenity to play a Zatoichi character.  I’m not saying it won’t happen, but I’m praying to God it doesn’t.[/quote]

i agree with that. Elle is too much of a crazy bitch to be even close to Zatoichi. i still would like to see her as a blind swordsman, though. just not the serene character that is Zatoichi.

Budds demise: Great twist in the story I really liked. Although, I had known about it for a long time since I read the script a long time ago. I’m never going to read another script before I see the movie EVER.

Elles eye getting torn out by The Brides eagles claw (same way Pai Mei tore her other eye out) and SQUISHED was AWESOME. Perfect torture for that cold bitch!! :o

I hope if someday QT makes a sequel to the film, Elle has survived and she is a blind master to Nikki. You could have Nikki get trained by Elle Driver and then she can go seek The Bride to get her revenge.

Elle shouldnt come back as somone skilled at fighting blind… atleast not anywhere near as good as she was… if Elle where to be so skilled at fighting even when she was blind, as to be a challenge and a fitting oponent for Bea, then she would be practically super natural… with sight she was a challenge for Bea, if she was a challenge to bea without sight, it would be like she was even more godlike then the Bride, and that cant be, the Bride has to be the best of the best, IMHO

And shes no crazy for it like the other guy said

Oh and if you read the interview of Q in Entertainment magizine… he does talk about makeing another movie where the girl whos mother was killed (nikki? i forgot the names) is the protagonist and seeks her revenge on Bea… Also somthing about her being raised by Sophie who gets Bills money