Latest kill bill news!

I really had fun with From Dusk Till Dawn. That was like Robert Rodriguez’ grindhouse film homage. For KB, I dont wanna see anything Ive seen before as far as action and editing goes. I know QT plans on making KB THE best kung fu-revenge film we’ve seen yet. 8)

watch Fulci’s Zombie… there will be a “damn, thats fulci” cry in the theater once Kill Bill is out.

i’d love to see Kill Bill  NC-17!!! it’s not about the blood - watch BLADE - it’s all about hacked-off limbs and sliced-up bellies… kill bill is a splatter-feast.

but it’s gonna be cool!!!  QT will get “even. even steven” with kult movies.

oh… i almost forgot: “KUNG FU”? if you define kung fu by fist-fighting bruce lee action… FUCKIN’ FORGET IT!!! there’s not even 1 fist-fight in Kill Bill.

watch samurai-blade fights… you get the idea

GODDAMN! That sounds freakin awesome! I gotta go watch Zombie again. So, theres NO hand to hand Kung Fu in the film?! Thats weird. Its gonna be ALL samurai sword fighting? Thats still gonna be great anyway. Cant wait to see lots of hacked off limbs and sliced bellies!! YEAHHHHHHH!!! 8D

No hand to hand fighting? What? I thought that there was a big deal about “animal Style Kung Fu”, even QT himself mentioned that.

Now, I have to admit, I’m not very up to speed on the different styles of Kung Fu, but isn’t “Animal Style” hand to hand?

I have to say, if every fight scene is with swords, I’m kind of disappointed.

Well, since our dear webmaster has been so lucky as to get his hands on the KB-script (the fortunate bstrd ;)), I have a few questions considering casting I’d like to ask him (or anyone who’s read it, for that matter):

  1. Jason Biggs was rumoured to be cast in the film as Bill’s son. However, an early report contradicted that, saying that Bill didn’t even have a son at all in the script. Is that so or is the Jason Biggs thing likely to be true ?

  2. Another rumoured cast member: Jacqueline Bisset. Any as of yet uncast character that Bisset could be signed for ? And if so, how serious are we supposed to take the indications that she will indeed be in the film ?

  3. Are there any other important, so far uncast characters that are likely to get played by familiar actors ?

    I’m sorry if these questions have already been asked before, but being a sucker for ensemble casts I’m quite curious 'bout what other actors might be in the film :wink: Thanks a bunch ! :wink:

1) Bill does not have a son. not in the script. and i don’t see a point of including a son. if he’s casted, then maybe as some unimportant little cameo…

2)i don’t have a clue for what role she might have been casted. there’s no confirmed info on that, i keep you updated.

3) there are indeed lots of other folks to cast. i will name some characters here (some that don’t spoil you):

Mr Barrel, Yuki & Gogo Yubari, various other Crazy88s, some gangsters with dialogues, and some other persons. all in all there are not that many characters in Kill Bill.


Yeah thats right, I forgot. QT mentioned The Bride would be doing all kinds of fighting in the film, from animal style kung fu to samurai sword battles. Plus, If Woo Ping is training her and the others, there has to be some Kung Fu fighting in the film. Like in the Pai Mei sequence. Sonny Chiba is the samurai fight coordinator.

Bill has no son in the story. This I know for sure. So, I hope the Biggs thing was just a rumor. No American Pie goons in the film please.

I havent heard anything about Jaqueline Bissett being cast in the film yet. But I think if she was in the film she’d probably be playing Bills lawyer: Sofie Fatale.

yeah, good point. Sofie Fatale would indeed be fitting for Jaqueline Bisset.

where did you get the script from, Toothpick? :wink: ;D 8)

I wish I had the script!!! But Ive just been reading all the script reviews and Ive picked up the info from those. 8)

shit, you’re right, Deadpool mentioned Sofie in his review. I just read it again.

You know, I am so busy at the moment, some guys in here know more about KB than me :wink:

Although I’ve read the script I should study my own site a little bit more, I am starting to get rusty :wink:

I heard about the Bisset thing and i like her as an actress so i wish QT finds some character she could fit like Sofie the lawyer.

This movie sounds better by the minute.

I hope that Briggs isnt in this film. Like Vic said, I dont want to watch a Tarantino movie and see some guy whos gonna remind me of American Pie.

I love the new look btw Seb.


One question for Seb the Webmaster:

Is the tagline ‘The only thing to fear is her’ you have on the your link to Kill Bill on the original and true one? Or is something you came up with when reading the script??



that tagline was Tothpick_Vic_Vega’s idea. he also designed that graphic as well as various other newer banners at

vic’s working on some tarantino-related graphics for … he’s cool!!

I just checked them out.

They’re pretty cool. I like the one especially with Jules and the other one with Mr. Blonde. The one where Jules and Vincent are looking at each other is also cool.

Keep it up Vic!


Hey, I have a little remark for our beloved webmaster: on the Kill Bill Newsticker it still says ‘Kill Bill to be shot in June for Fu Manchu’. Ehm…since it was reported that KB would be shot in August for Fu Manchu a few days before we found out that shooting had in fact already started - doesn’t that make the whole rumor, including the Fu Manchu bit, a false one ? I don’t mean to be obnoxious, but I think it’s logical to assume that KB is being shot for Miramax before we hear otherwise. Or am I mistaken ? :wink:

Well KB is gonna be a Miramax Film regardless. Fu Manchu Films is probably gonna be the sub production company QT made exclusively for Kill Bill. Its like when he made Res Dogs, Dog Eat Dog was the sub production title. Then when he made Pulp Fiction, Jersey Films was the secondary production company, and when he did From Dusk Till Dawn with Robert Rodriguez it was A Band Apart/Los Hooligans. Then Jackie Brown it was A Band Apart/ Mighty Mighty Aphrodite. So when the Kill Bill credits roll it will most likely say:

A Band Apart/Fu Manchu Films


A Quentin Tarantino Film


Something like that anyway.

i will re-read my news maybe i have mistyped something:

BUT of course THE MOST RECENT news are more valid than older ones. Always take newest news more serious than others.


Shooting started last weekend (June) and the production company is a sub-company called FU MANCHU. That Fu Manchu is an information i got by a phonecall with A Band Apart. Of course there hasn’t been any official announcement, but I think if you read Hollywood Reporter or something its mentioned there.

I’ll keep you updated.

be cool

Ahh, so I was mistaken :wink:. Figures :wink:. Well, thanks for clearing that out for me, fellas :slight_smile:.

seems like QT and his guys having time problems shooting the house of blue leaves sequence… let’s hope it doesn’t take them too long.

If its the HOBL sequence theyre shooting and its a big complex dramatic fight, then why the hell would they cut other scenes out? I mean “they” need to give QT and the guys a break, its not like hes ever filmed a kung fu film before. Plus he wants it to be extraordinary looking.