when you are able to perform the five-point exploding heart technique :lol:
You’re obsessed with kill Bill when:
Limbs you chopped off, you claim your own
You cliam you can fry an egg on the head of anyone who’s angry at you
You like to get '‘Even steven’'
You want to cut God on your journey with '‘something that kills people’'
You have vermin to kill
You’re not bald, you just shaved your head…
You think your vermin laughs at you, even if tehy’re in a comma
It’s mercy, compassion, and forgiveness you lack, not rationality
Every time your leg goes numb you make yourself wiggle your big toe
Anyone bald and round looks like Charlie Brown to you
Whenever you’re asked to give your name, you never give your real name you call yourself Arlene Machiavelli
you would have sexually propositioned GoGo anyway, even if it did mean you would be disemboweled
you are determined to marry Dr Lawrence Bell, and you spend years looking for him
you drink warm sake during the day while watching Japanese day time soaps
you use vaseline everytime you have sex
you collect the eyeballs of famous kung fu masters
You cry on the bathroom floor because you are so happy that the lioness and the cub were re-united and all is right in the jungle
you spend hours making up ways to spot someone who is obsessed with Kill Bill
you enjoy it too