Worst Scene in Pulp

I’m done Hating! I actually liked the final fight scene in the garden.

[quote]I’m done Hating! I actually liked the final fight scene in the garden. [/quote]

damn, fast conversion dude…

[quote]I’m done Hating! I actually liked the final fight scene in the garden. [/quote]

Part Eggplant, I present to you, [b]The Flaky Award[/b]. Congrats, you earned it.

I just dont think that flik is even worth talking about anymore. You liked it that much, go see it 6 more times with The_Wolf (after he gets out of middle school).

Part Eggplant was dropped on his head as a baby folks.

We’re gonna be talkin about the masterpiece that is Kill Bill for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time!!!


[quote]I just dont think that flik is even worth talking about anymore.  You liked it that much, go see it 6 more times with The_Wolf (after he gets out of middle school).  [/quote]

dude…you re gonna need the 9-11 NYFD if you keep up the bullshit…cause…some people here are going to flame your ass…

if you dont like kill bill…why not open a topic and explain why this is a bad movie…I mean really explain, backed with good arguments…I dare you motherfucker…I double dare you…

I know exactly why little Egghead didnt like Kill Bill. It was too violent for him.


He’s also totally forgetting its a Revenge film and the extreme violence is completely justified in the story. Just like it was in Pulp. Kill Bill is a “movie movie”, its made to be highly stylized and otherworldly. If you dont like that, then go watch something else. But dont say its “trash”. Thats 100% untrue. As a longtime QT fan you shouldve already been open minded to ALL kinds of film. I find it strange when QT fans dislike the movies he makes. You should already know what QT is about, the kinds of films hes inspired by, his taste in film. By rejecting Kill Bill, youre rejecting QT, and I think youre rejecting your own reason for being on this board with all of us who love QTs brilliant work.

Egghead needs to find another pasttime because Cinema as most of us know it, isnt for him.

I will defend this film forever. I will write about it forever. So just ring the bell Eggplant. Im ready to go.

This friggin’ Eggplant is a troll. He disses Kill Bill in every fucking thread, even in the Pulp Fiction section. And then the fucking hypocrite writes something like : Slow down kid! This site is for “Pulp” fans. There is a Kill Bill site for blood lovin’ “Vampires” like yourself.. Eggplant, if you wanna diss “Kill Bill” use the Kill Bill section. You’re gonna lose anyway, but at least you’ll be less annoying.

I really hit a soar spot ;D. Needledick Vega says " I find it strange when QT fans dislike the movies he makes".

“Please allow me to retort” - Although I love Q.T.s movies, I dont like a movie BECAUSE he makes it. Is there anything of Quentin’s that you didn’t like? My guess is no. (Get off his jock for a minute) If Bill is your favorite - Great. I got no prob, with that. I just cant see it being HIS BEST.

Youre not funny Egghead.

“Needledick”, WHOA thats original! Like I havent heard that from every troll that comes through here.

“Soar”? Learn to spell you idiot.

Don’t get upset :’(, remember its only a movie. (Q.T.s 6th best movie). Put down the dictionary for a minute and get a sense of humor!

[quote]Don’t get upset :’(, remember its only a movie. (Q.T.s 6th best movie).  Put down the dictionary for a minute and get a sense of humor! [/quote]

Nobody cares. You knew what you were getting into when you trashed Kill Bill. That’s what you fucking get.

By the way there’s no such thing as 6th best. 6th best would be first worst, dumbass.

It’s called a back handed compliment. (Another genius).

I agree with many people here…

the scene that I dislike is the Butch’s cab scene…

I mean…IMHO it’s the LESS beautiful :wink:,…

in the DVD edition(great,particularly the special interview with Tarantino)there are 5-6 scenes that quentin decided to cut,and there’s also a long version of the dialogue between esmeralda and butch(better than the other)…so I say “why does he cut it?”…he explains that is because at that point we wanna go on with the situation as soon as possible,but I disagree…

nothing is wrong with this movie.

[quote]It’s called a back handed compliment. (Another genius). [/quote]

Hey Eggshit, your really getting annoying. Please stop your stupid feud with the board. You're acting like a fucking idiot. Just admit you lost. Take is like a man, atleast die down with some dignity.


You killed the topic, Nice job.

i kinda liked the taxi scene…not one of my favorite parts…but not my least favorite either…i’d have to say yeah the shower scene is the one i think slows everything down for a bit…but all in all a great movie…i watch it all the time

Yeah me too…

as I said,IMO the cab scene is the less beautiful,but it’s not bad…the movie is perfect!

the only thing that i REALLY dislike is the dubbing… :-/

hey…Roma huh?..my favorite city…damn love it! lucky bastard that you can live in it!

but anyway yeah it is very irritating if countries dub the fucking movies…Its supposed to be in english…and its cooler that way…nobody wants to hear another voice or language then the original language…I rather have subtitles if its a movie in chinese…like bruce lee movies…and come on…everybody understands english…and if they dont, its mainly because of the dubbing in theatres and on tv…WTF stop doing it…I learned english mainly because I live in Holland and watched a lot of english movies and tv series when growing up…the dubbing hurts your development…

I’ve seen pulp for so many times that I usually only watch my favorite scenes…that leaves out some parts with butch…cab ride, shower, going to his app. to get his watch back…I only watch little parts of these scenes and watch my favorites fully…