Why is Mr. Blonde Bad?


so basically, people who do not have enough mental strenght to restrain their inner desires are evil?  As opposed to those who think about raping little girls all the time, but never go through with it?  i think you’re just too eager to generalize people into “good” people, and “bad” people.  you want the world to be “pure and simple” but its not holiday, im sorry to burst your bubble. and i dont quite understand wut the fuk your point is in talking about the beast . . . isnt that the same as people having an evil nature?[/quote]

People who think about raping little girls all the time are twisted. But, they should get help for their issues and not carry out their perversions. I someone desires to rape little girls, although knowing it isn’t the right thing to do, that is evil. It is the will that defines people.

Believe me, I’ll be the first to defend someone who has done ill but is essentially pure at heart, (like White). What I will not do is say that a sociopathic murderer who enjoys causing suffering is misunderstood, (or whatever you would do).

I don’t think the world is purely black and white in terms of morality. Most of life takes place in the grey areas. I can fogive that. Blonde doesn’t live in this grey area though. He is black-hearted, and it shows. The fact that someone would defend this slimeball leaves me with a depressing view on humanity. I can only pray that you don’t represent the future.

And yes, the beast represents evil, (or more specifically, evil intent). Are you that thick? Sometimes I think this conversation is too intelligent for you to be involved.

 if i was torturing the shit outta some guy who raped my brother(with a pair of plyers and a blowtorch ;D), it would be fine, since i feel he deserves it.  [/quote]

Feeling someone deserves it and them actually deserving are two completely seperate things. I refer you to the examples I gave you earlier…(I think I might recap what I wrote):

"Do you think that it is good to hang black people because it agrees with your moral code? The members of the KKK would. Do you think it isgood to crash a plane into the side of building because it agrees with your personal views on life? Terrorists would. Do you think it is good to stone a woman to death just because she was raped? Radicals would. Do you feel it is good to torture and kill millions of jews? Hitler would. All of these people are murderers, regardless of their moral code. Who cares? When you start giving people free reign to commit whatever atrocities they feel like because they think it is the right thing to do or it agree with their moral code, you leave the world in pure, murderous choas. And you would rationalize for something like that."

It was alright for Hitler to kill all of those jews because he believed they had it coming? No. It sickens me that you think that. If you were raped, or your “brother” was raped, that woud be justified, in a sense. But this is a fine line to dance across. You can’t make generalizations about a person due to profession or race, or else you find yourself like Hitler. You find yourself evil.

all i can say is that i feel a lot of pity for the mother.  if the law wont punish her, her own guilt will.[/quote]


“Oh I’m so sorry for the mother! She had to endure the mental strain of killing her children! Oh no!” What about the kids!?! I HOPE she can’t live with herself. If there is any justice in the world, she will have life in prison, and, hopefully, she can spend that time feeling an unbearable amount of guilt.

I think I’m done with this thread. I feel like throwing up every time I read something you write. God, I hope you get your morals straight.

[quote]you tell me i have bad morals, that im fuked up.  you lack the virtues of patients and compassion.  you cant open your eyes and see my perspective because you are too attached to your naive sense of good and evil.  i understand perfectly where you’re coming from, but you dont have the ability to understand my ideas.  so tell me, whose more ignorant between the two?  [/quote]

Your “patience and compassion” is what blinds you. Do you feel sorry for Hitler? Do you think we should’ve given him time to work his problems out?

I’m not ignorant of your views, and I’m a very compassionate guy. My compassion ends with evil though. I’m not going to feel sorry for some mother who drowned her kids. No way. That is lunacy. Feel sorry for the kids who never had a chance.

So yes, I understand perfectly your ideas. It is just that they sicken me.

what does my compassion blind me from? of course i feel bad for hitler, he had many talents, including leadership, he knew how to control the crowd.  i respect that.  but he was ignorant, he was probably fuked around with as a child, he didnt know what he was doing.  you said evil is based upon will.  well, i didnt think hitler had a plan of being evil when he started his revolution.  [/quote]

You just said that he was evil. Why are we still talking about this? You are having to resort to speculation to keep your weak opinions afloat. You say Hitler didn’t know what he was doing? So anyone that does somthing horrible is incapable of controlling themselves, or doesn’t know what they are doing? He knew exactly what he was doing. you don’t think some people do horrible things because they like to?

And I’m using the word will in the context of desiring tocause pain or kill. If someone kills in self-defense, that is not ill-will. If a person kills for justified revenge, like the Bride, that is justified will. If someone kills because they enjoy it, like Blonde does, that is evil will.

look, you agreed that everyone is evil in this world, that they one way or another exploit certain people to get what they want.  so hitler took it a bit further.  germany was getting assrammed by france for too long, and hey, someone had to do something, at the cost of of certain people.  wtf, you gonna call the south evil?  i mean everyone had a dam slave, its fuked up, but it aint evil.  and look, if evil is such a fine fukin line, then who are you to draw that line?  so molesting a girl is cool, but molesting a girl in front of her kid brother is kinda pushing it . . . doesnt make any sense.  [/quote]

Are you even reading what I’m saying?

I’m talking about hanging black people because you are a rascist. Just becaus you believe something doesn’t make it true, and it doesn’t make it right. I’m talking KKK. Not slave owners back in the day.

I’m not drawing the lines! Do you honestly think that I’m the first person in this world to believe in morality? Do you think I came up with the lines that I’ve been trying to show you? No. Generations of moral human beings have adopted this.

WTF are you saying? Raping a little girl is evil, and so is forcing her brother to watch. That is some evil, twisted stuff. If you want to use an example to justify your faulty beliefs, use a good one.

I’m not, but I base my beliefs upon what has been considered for generations the moral code. I do not begin to pretend that I represent the entirety of it.

all i can say is that i feel a lot of pity for the mother.  if the law wont punish her, her own guilt will.[/quote]

Fuck the mother. She killed 5 kids. She should die as soon as possible. Blonde didn’t have any deamons in his head and still killed people. He was a jerk week and deserves to die. How could you ever ever say he isn’t bad. It dosen’t matter what anyone else thinks, i think that he’s a fuck face. I dont’ care how deep he is in anything, he should die.

[quote]ey holiday, im sorry, didnt mean to sound like such an asshole, i was just getting a lil pissed there.  heh, i like argueing with you, you have some pretty good points, but i just dont like it when people talk to me like im a fukin idiot.[/quote]

Yeah man, I’m sorry about that. Sometimes when I type I get really caught up in the arguement. I take things really seriously, and I guess I let the arguement get the better of me. Sorry about that…I don’t mean to talk down. I don’t dislike you. I enjoy these heated debates. :slight_smile:

ethics and morals are based upon culture and the rules that are in it…I think…so there isnt a superior moral thing to do in any situation…but that is in real life, we 're talking tarantino world now! And in this world (like the real world) nobody is totally good or evil, they tend to be a little more evil though (lol). Personaly I think mr blonde ruled in the movie…and because its a movie: everything goes…es spes QT movies…

Welcome to the forum!

I don’t feel like getting into it at the moment, but I will go so far as to say I think you are wrong.

Will these arguements ever end? Like the last 3 pages were all arguements.

well, from what i know about what happend with the mother, i couldnt agree more, but  your opinions should not determine whether someone should live or die.  who the fuck are you to judge her?  like you would know what she was going through, right?  fuck what her husbands or neighbors thought about her, and her disease, no, YOU would know how to serve justice in this situation, right?  you may be more like mr blonde than you know.  imagine how many friends mr blonde has lost to cops, how much of his life is ruined because of em.  he probably had that mentality, that "i dont care how deep he is in anything, he should die.  "[/quote]

You’r getting off topic…I think that the woman is a bad person and weather she deserves to die or not dosen’t matter because she is bad…and this argument is about weather blonde is bad or not. I think that she is just like him in the way that they are bad bad bad people. And you seem to agree with me that the woman is a bad person, what makes blonde any better? NOTHING.


Blonde killed people just like her, and he did it for his own well being, he knew that he killed them and didn’t even care.

Whether the woman who killed her kids and Mr. Blonde are bad or not, they still deserve rightful punishment such as being electrocuted without wetting the sponge

[quote]to call that evil is just being fuking ignorant.  you’re just liike those people who killed the insane because they were “possessed by the devil”.  they were just too dumb to know what was really going on.[/quote]

What the hell is wrong with you. You have totally changed the subject. She is an evil person, i have no sympathy for someone who killers her kids. Crazy or not i think she is a bad person. There’s a difference between insane and sadistic, she is the latter. Actually she was both, but it dosen’t matter. SHE KILLED 5 KIDS, FUCK HER, I DON’T CARE ABOUT HER.

And the fact that Blonde knew who he was killing…knew that it hurt the people…but had no remorse for the dead. He was going to burn a man alive because he felt like it. Blonde knew exactally what he was dooin’ and knew that it was wrong, but didn’t care.



You can think of me as “ignorant”, but i don’t care, because you’re the one who thought blonde wasn’t bad.

[quote]to be honest, i have nothing to say, since you dont care.  you have no incentive for justice or understanding, only a selfish desire to hate people.  if you really wanted to talk about this with rational thought and facts, it would make sense, but what you’re trying to do is just throw your thoughtless opinions at me.  itz a fuking dumb way to argue[/quote]

You don’t even know me, how the hell are you going know the “understanding” that I have. I put out my opinion, with my fealings behind it, on only one subject “Bad/Not Bad”. I believe blonde is a bad person, i already told you why, and i believe that woman is a bad person, because she killed here 5 kids, weather she i think she deserves to see the light of day or not has nothing to do with this. I simply explained why i thought she was bad, then went an extra step and pretty much said “I think she should die for what she has done.”

[quote]it would make sense, but what you’re trying to do is just throw your thoughtless opinions at me.  itz a fuking dumb way to argue[/quote]

How the fuck else am i supposed to argue? I put out my opinions for everything i’ve said and believe everything i’ve said is right. If you can come up with a better way to argue i would love to hear it. I think you just don’t agree with me, so you blame me for “being worng” on subjects that are of opinion. You are the first person on this board who I have argued and has taken the subject personal and insult the person you are arguing with (me).

Ok, i don’t understand you. I did put rational facts, i guess you just didn’t see it.

[quote]no, wtf you’re doing is judging a woman, a whole person, but a single action she’s committed.  its very shortsided for anyone to do that.  her actions are fuked up.  in the real world, no one can be judged as either just “good” or “bad”.  these people/characters are complex, they have so many facets to their personality and to say that they are simply 'bad" is an injustice, and simple-minded[/quote]

It wasn’t just some fucked up single action, it is the single most fucked up thing a mother could ever do to her kids. And she killed 5 beings, one of them a helpless baby, and for that i don’t think the woman deserves to live. That is my reason, weather you agree with me or not is not part of it, this is A FUCKING OPINION HERE YOU CAN’T SAY I’M WRONG. YOU’R THE SIMPLE MINDED ONE BECAUSE YOU THINK I SHOULD THINK WHAT YOU THINK. QUIT FUCKING FLAMING, FUCKER. I am no longer going to post here because you won’t even concider my ideas.

OFFICE SPACE RULES!!! :slight_smile:

Mr Blonde isnt bad…hes just MISUNDERSTOOD! :wink:

So your saying the only reason you think i’m stupid is because you dont’ think i brought up enough information. Sorrrrrry, BUD, but you brought up as much as I did. We both explained what we thought was the right thing to do. Whatever, i don’t care anymore.