Who is Mr.Purple?

Thier fetishes :smiley:

[quote]who cares who Mr Purple is?

the point is: there is no point[/quote]

spoken like a true Tarantino Forum Admin


spoken like a true Tarantino Forum Admin

spoken like a true stuck in the middle

[quote]Beaumont and Translucent, what in the hell are you guys talking about?[/quote]

He was talking about a REservoir Dogs kinky sex thing. I made a clever quip as to how that would be crappy by tying it in to the film’s plotline. It’s what i call “Humor.”

This board is truly dead.

moves on to chat lounge


He was talking about a REservoir Dogs kinky sex thing.  I made a clever quip as to how that would be crappy by tying it in to the film’s plotline.  It’s what i call “Humor.”[/quote]

Oh, when you said that your gf was actually a guy, the room started spinning and I couldn’t think of anything to say. Thanks, I will try to use some of this so-called “Humor” in the future.

You’d think I would’ve known when I saw the penis…

The correct term is transexual.

You’re an expert on sexual oddities, eh Curious George? You must be reeeal curious…

That’s what Mrs. George tells me.

Has Mrs. George ALWAYS been Mrs. George?

I think you’re the curious one here.

I’m startin’ to feel like a fag here, this is probably the end of this particular conversation.

Ok. I’m going to go back to writing my newest novel, Curious George in the Ghetto.

Shut your fuckin face Beaumont, before I put you in trunk of my car!

Is it possible that Mr. Purple is Vincent Vega?

[quote]Is it possible that Mr. Purple is Vincent Vega?[/quote]

vince works for marsellus wallace. he is not the regular heist gangster

Oh ok