Where is a good Film School?

Anyone know of a good film school? anywhere? i want to be a screenwriter if that help anyone who knows anything.

American University School of Communication

CalArts: School of Film/Video of Valencia, California.

Film Studies at Carleton University

Chapman University Film & Television

Columbia College Hollywood

The Film and Photographic Workshops in Rockford, Maine.

FSU Film School

Los Angeles City College Department of Cinema and Television

Film Production at Loyola Marymount University

Los Angeles Film School

North Carolina School of the Arts

New York Film Academy

NYU Department of Film and Television

UCLA Film and Television Department

USC School of Cinema - Television

Vancouver Film School

Ryerson University

University of Toronto

Canadian Film Centre

thank you very much

the best one in Germany is:

Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München

in case you’re interested

if you end up going to film school. Take advantage of the gear you can use there. Film as much as you can, skip classes and just film as much as you can. Because to tell you the truth, no one in the industry gives a shit if you went to film school. Its actually better to say that you didnt, because if they see your work and think you did it without going to film school they will be more impressed.

I know that might sound shitty, but its true, ive never got a job in the film industry because i said i went to film school.

Producers will be far more impressed by your portfolio, not your marks in a film school.

[quote]if you end up going to film school. Take advantage of the gear you can use there. Film as much as you can, skip classes and just film as much as you can. Because to tell you the truth, no one in the industry gives a shit if you went to film school. Its actually better to say that you didnt, because if they see your work and think you did it without going to film school they will be more impressed. ÂÂ

I know that might sound shitty, but its true, ive never got a job in the film industry because i said i went to film school.

Producers will be far more impressed by your portfolio, not your marks in a film school.[/quote]

That’s a myth.  It has been created by bitter people who fail to land the job they want in the industry after they’ve graduated from a filmschool.  So, instead of putting the blame on themselves, they blame the filmschool.  Please. ÂÂ

The fact of the matter is, you’re not going to be directing the next Hollywood blockbuster right away. In reality, most people in the industry have attended a filmschool of somesort.

Producers actually are impressed by filmschool graduates, because it shows a number of things:

  1.  That you’re serious about this profession.
  2.  That you have at least some experience with the gear/equipment
  3.  You’re dedicated

    Not only does going to film school give you a wonderful opportunity to develop a reel, it really does teach you a lot about the industry and how it works.  It’s also a great way to establish connections.  This is actually probably the best way to establish connections in the industry, which is vital.

    The pros outweigh the cons.  Goto Filmschool.

I agree.

Film school will teach you alot and it is the best place to get connections. im not saying, dont go to film school.

I graduated from film school a year ago and i have a great job in the industry.

But im not lieing to you when i say that, the truth is producers really dont care if you went to film school. Your demo reel is what will get you a job or the connections you have.

Right before we graduated our professor told us that we shouldnt tell people in the industry that we went to film school. I was shocked to hear it.

Just make sure to take advantage of the gear. ÂÂ

boston university


im going there…hopefully

I went to the New York Film Academy, during the summer, (I was only 14 at the time), and it was the most wonderful experience I ever had. I don’t know how old you are, but if you wan to go to something short take the 6 week movie making course at NYFA, nyfa.com for more info.

I went to the New York Film Academy, during the summer, (I was only 14 at the time), and it was the most wonderful experience I ever had. I don’t know how old you are, but if you wan to go to something short take the 6 week movie making course at NYFA, nyfa.com for more info.

I'm goin' there next summer and I have a question for you.

When you film your first short, do you film like a feature film? How do you film?

1 - 4 weekers only shoot on black and white film, very pretty, and after shooting no complaints. 6 Weekers shoot 3 films in blackand white then 2 in color. You use 16 mm Arriflex thingy, with a slate, lightmeter, grey card, different lenses, the works… Its fun… Come to London with me and my NYFA friends, thats where were going this summer…

your living room

Film Schools are not that great. You should teach yourself this stuff. But here’s the best. NYU Tisch Cinema School

1 - 4 weekers only shoot on black and white film, very pretty, and after shooting no complaints. 6 Weekers shoot 3 films in blackand white then 2 in color. You use 16 mm Arriflex thingy, with a slate, lightmeter, grey card, different lenses, the works… Its fun… Come to London with me and my NYFA friends, thats where were going this summer…

I already know all of that, I was asking what is the style in which you actually shoot the films?

What does that mean? You set the camera on a tripod, put your eye on the (what the devil is it called, you know the uh thing that shows you what the lens sees), roll film, set speed and shoot your movie.

I’m just not sure what you mean.

What does that mean? You set the camera on a tripod, put your eye on the (what the devil is it called, you know the uh thing that shows you what the lens sees), roll film, set speed and shoot your movie.

I’m just not sure what you mean.

Nevermind. I've confused myself now. What where ur films about?

I did one called “Six Feet Over” about a dead man brought back to life living, but sadly the middle of the movie’s film was overexposed so it came out all white and it had a beginning and an end but no middle. But everybody seemed to like it, it was just a minute long version of 28 Days Later.

I did another one called “The Bored Supremacy”, which came out fantastic, it was about 2 guys in their apartment very bored. They try things to become “unbored”, like dancing to Hammer Time, Being ultra violent (It was a big nasty fight where chocolate syrup was sprayed everywhere), and finally, they watch a movie and think the movie is boring but what one of the characters does looks like fun, commit suicide. So in the end one dies, and the other finds a rubrics cube. It was 4 minutes long, black and white and beautiful, I thought it was one of the best at camp…

And my final one was complete shit, but it had a good premise. It was supposed to be about 2 people on a date, they end up walking in the park holding hands when they both go to sit down and kiss and be intimate. In the middle of kissing she says she has to pee, it was supposed to be a small laugh/turning point, so he says fine. She gets up but trips, but gets back up. She walks to the bathroom, and there is a homeless man who throws up, and then asks her for money, she says she hasn’t got any and he starts balk talking and she back talks and finally he gets pissed off and attacks her. So she dies, but while that was happening we cut back and forth to her boyfriend waiting, and before he attacks her it shows him get up out walk to the bathroom wondering what’s taking her so damn long? So she’s on the ground dead and the Bum has fled. He finds her body and it fades out. It shows him the next day at his apartment mourning, he gets off the phone and goes the fridge and takes out a beer, He opens a beer and through a cross dissolve a sexy woman appears, a Jeanie (SHUT UP!), she says she can grant him one wish and he wishes he could relive yesterday so he can safe his girlfriend. (I know he could have wished to bring her back but this was for climax/cool backwards shots). So it fades out again and it starts where the guy finds the girl. It starts play8ing backwards and we see all the blood drip back up to her face, and body, we see the guy walk backwards. We see the bum pull vomit out of the ground into his mouth, we see the path to the bathroom but nothing, then the girl flops back up from when she fell, and some other random cool backwards shots. So the girl goes the bathroom and the guy follows her after a minute and beats up the bum… The end. But what happened was I slept in so I didn’t get first choice for actors, instead I got my friend, he was fine, but these 2 girls who were both 200+ pounds, and the girl I chose as the killer (only 1 guy left), didn’t wear a bra so when she’s strangling the other girl you see her boobs flapping all over the place, it was so bad it was funny so I turned it into a comedy and added some really dramatic music (“I can’t Live”), and whenever the murderer was on screen I played a few seconds of the Benny Hill song, and before the movie started I credited myself as Alan Smithee, and gave it a SUPER long title. (GENIE IN A BOTTLE WHO GRANTED ME A WISH AND I WENT BACK IN TIME TO SAVE MY GIRLDFRIEND FROM A CRAZY KILLER NAMED JAMIMI WHO WAS BORN WITHOUT LOVE SO SHE HAD TO GO ON A CRAZY KILLING RAMPAGE TO LET OUT HER ANGER SO THERE MIGHT BE ROOM FOR LOVE VOLUME 1), yes I saved myself the criticism of “crap”, I allowed everybody to know I knew it was crap , yet I sill thought it was funny enough to share with you all, it was my favorite movie I made, but only because it was such shit.

I have screenplays for each one if you want to read them.

Wow. Two questions cuz I really want to go here next summer.

  1. Where did u film the park scene? (i aware u can film on the backlots of Universal)

    2.Can u used prop guns? Do they give u props?

dam Water thats a really cool story about the two couples liked to have seen it with everything u wanted…