What has influenced Quentin Tarantino's visual style?

So hey guys, just for your information this is my first time ever posting on any forum. So i’m pretty much a newbie at this, but it looks pretty much self explanatory. But just in case I mess up or anything, my bad.

Anyways, let me get straight to the point. Basically, I’ve recently started up a new project which revolves around this question; “What has influenced Quentin Tarantino’s visual style? (Pulp Fiction, Reservoir dogs, Kill Bill Vol.1…)”. During the end of the project, this question has to presented and defined to an audience who probably don’t even know intensity of Tarantino’s work.

Nonetheless the project fairing out to be harder then I initially thought it would be. Of course, I’ve got some information here and there but it’s just not enough. At the moment, I’m look for any references to in his films. For example, the kill bill references such as Five Fingers of Death, Death rides a horse, The bad the good and the ugly etc or Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction) references to Anna Karina and Elvira from Scarface. Also elements like French New Wave and the Japanese style are very important too! However although I know a bit i’m not entirely educated in those parts of studies. Hence why I’ve come to the experts for help.

As you guys all know, this information can be found in books, over the internet and by watching his films. All in all however I would prefer if you guys could pass some names of the books so I could find this information which would be GREAT! :smiley: because when referencing back to origin of information books are the one that seems the most credible. However if not, websites are fine as well. :slight_smile:

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and beforehand, thank you very much.

We are back with Volume 3, after years of work :slight_smile:

Hey, welcome to the forum! Tarantino’s influences are pretty awesome to explore, and it sounds like you’re already on the right track. For books, I’d recommend Tarantino: A Retrospective by Tom Shone—it’s got a solid breakdown of his style and the films that influenced him. Also, Quentin Tarantino: The Man, The Myths, The Movies by Ian Nathan dives into his films in detail, including his love for French New Wave and Japanese cinema. I’ve also found a lot of interviews with Tarantino useful, like in Quentin Tarantino Interviews , where he talks about his influences directly.

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