

animate that one and it would rock :slight_smile:

Sorry, I can’t do that. Maybe with some help from somebody.

does anyone have any cool tarantino style fonts that i could use? i plan on making some banners and wallpapers.


Welcome to the Board and thanx for the Banner.



hey jeesum!

welcome to the board. thanks for the banner!


I have put the ‘Reservoir Dogs’ logo in the middle now, it looks better.



That one is cool

Don’t like that one so much



i love it, but the quality is not good enough. the resolution should be higher. its to unsharp

thanks man, Ill work on it

That’s one well cool



Yeh that’s what I’m talkin bout

allright. thanks everybody. if you have any last minute ones send them by email. i close this topic now i will decide the winners this weekend