Does anybody know the actual names of the tunes Rodriguez made??
Does anybody know the actual names of the tunes Rodriguez made??
I’m not sure of the name, but i believe he made the song where Elle collects the money in Budd’s trailer in vol 2 and the music where Budd makes the deal with Elle before the buried alive scene.
I’m not sure of the name, but i believe he made the song where Elle collects the money in Budd’s trailer in vol 2 and the music where Budd makes the deal with Elle before the buried alive scene.
Yeh I already know which are the Rodriguez tunes, thanks for trying to help though. I just want to know if the tunes were ‘official’ or not, whether they even have titles.
Well, the full list on doesn’t mention them, so i’m guessing they were unofficial…not sure though
It would be well cool if Rodriguez brought out a CD of his music, I’d go and buy that straight away, possibly another Morricone-in-the-making!!
Anybody know a place where I can get the tracks by Robert Rodrigues used in Kill Bill Vol.2. Here are some tracks that I believe are done by Robert Rodrigues.
-Music playing when Elle is picking up all the cash from the floor after Budd is killed
-Music playing during Chapter 6 when you see the DiVAS walking into the wedding chapel
Thats all I can think of at the moment, I should watch it to find more, lol. Anyways, I need these tracks really bad, I’d really love it if someone could send it to me or e-mail it to me, thanx in advance!
Don’t know about the wedding chappel song - i’m looking for that myself, but i believe i got the one where Elle picks up the cash from - i think the file is called ‘BuddTwang’. It’s worth registering because they have loads of non-OST tracks!
Fanx very much! Another one I think is by R.R. is the music playing the bride takes off her mask before she breaks into Budds trailer.
*Could you give me an exact link to where I can get that song. Fanx you!
Never Mind I found it!!
oooo where did u find it? i been looking for that one…
Theres 4 tracks you can download that are I believe by Robert. Heres the link. You might have to sign up first.
username: raremusic
password: killbill
The tracks I believe are by R.R. are Pai Mei Theme, Elle, Trailer Supiscian, and BuddTwang.
1.Pai Mei Theme is played when the bride walks to meet Pai Mei. The suspenseful karate music.
2.Elle I believe is played on the official site.
3.Trailer Supiscian is when Budd looks out the window of his trailer for the bride.
4. BuddTwang is played when Elle picks up the cash and at the end of Chapter six.
*Theres a whole lot more bonus tracks on there also!
omg i will go look. I told you about that site lol ! I can’t believe i misssed that one!
Thats all is on the Cubfiction site, but yet I know theres still more songs by R.R. in the movie. I hope they come out with a special edition Kill Bill Vol.2 soundtrack thats has all his tracks. And if anybody knows anymore tracks by R.R. tell me. I got every song ever used in every Kill Bill except the R.R. tracks.
I just want the wedding chappel song when the camera pulls away and reveals the DiVAS going in. Can someone please tell me if and where I can get it?
I know I was looking for that too. All I’m sure of its not on the Cubfiction site, :’( neither is the song when the bride pulls of her mask. :’( Will just have to keep searching. Like I said, hopefully they’ll come out with a special edition soundtrack.
Here’s the wedding massacre tune…
<LINK_TEXT text=“ … pretty.mp3”></LINK_TEXT>
OK, that site clears up all the music by R.R. except the one when the bride takes off her mask. Besides that we’ve got them all!
;D ;D :o :o
If there’s gonna be a find of the week thats gotta be it! that has just expanded my Kill Bill Music Collection Nicley!
So anyways this is what we got so far…
Theres 7 tracks by him, so far we’ve only found 6.
[color=Red]Elle - Played on official site(Elle Driver Music)
BuddTwang - When Elle picks up the cash after killing Budd/Chapter 6
Do I Look Pretty - Song when the DiVAS enter the Chapel
Steps of Fury - When the Bride is walking the stairs to meet Pai Mei
Budds Lonely Trailer - A Dies Irae Remix - When Budd returns to his Trailer
Budd Trailer Suspicion - Plays when Budd is looking at window for Beatrice
The one were missing is when the Bride takes off her mask.
"Frank Mills - Music Box Dancer- This is the music from the ice-cream outside Vernita’s Pasadena Home. The ice cream truck Yuki was supposed to be driving. Not much to really review, it’s just like an ice cream truck in your stereo."
How much of a True Rom song is that!