[quote=“Stuntman Max”]
I don’t like him AT ALL, but im just trying to be nice to everybody here who liked the film and I loooove making avatars/banners.
Do you make JIFs?
-I know Pete does, but he’s nowhere to be seen…
[quote=“Stuntman Max”]
I don’t like him AT ALL, but im just trying to be nice to everybody here who liked the film and I loooove making avatars/banners.
Do you make JIFs?
-I know Pete does, but he’s nowhere to be seen…
Do you make JIFs?
You mean avatars and banners? I make them from time to time when I have nothing better to do.
You mean avatars and banners?
Yeah, sure. -Like an avatar. I’d love to make them myself.
What can one say about Transformers…? Well, there really isn’t more than meets the eye. There was way too much unintentional humour too. I don’t usually go to the cinemas for Michael Bay, well, in fact, I never go to the cinemas for Michael Bay; but I just had to see this for some reason. I dragged Thousand Eyes along as well, against his will.
Yeah, sure. -Like an avatar. I’d love to make them myself.
Do you have microsoft paint? That’s what I used when I made the Josey Wales, Get Carter, The Killer avatars and sigs. Quite simple.
I use Jasc Software but it sucks at times
I dont condone downloading movies over the internet when you can go see them in the theatre but i’ll make an exception for this movie but who would d/l it
What can one say about Transformers…? Well, there really isn’t more than meets the eye. There was way too much unintentional humour too. I don’t usually go to the cinemas for Michael Bay, well, in fact, I never go to the cinemas for Michael Bay; but I just had to see this for some reason. I dragged Thousand Eyes along as well, against his will.
[quote=“Jack Rabbit Slim”]
Do you have microsoft paint? That’s what I used when I made the Josey Wales, Get Carter, The Killer avatars and sigs. Quite simple.
How? Please explain.
Two More “Transformers” Films
I’ve been led to believe that there is going to be two more that I know of," said Cullen. And when asked whether he will voice Optimus Prime again, he simply said “yes.”
<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.worstpreviews.com/headline.p … 93&count=0”>http://www.worstpreviews.com/headline.php?id=6193&count=0</LINK_TEXT>
I talked to Uwe Boll today during a pre-release screening of Postal and we both agreed that Michael Bay sucks.
Yeah, but Uwe Boll sucks even worse, has anyone seen the trailer for Postal, my god what is that guy doing!
Believe it, Postal seems to be one of the good Uwe Boll movies. But how can anybody really compare Michael Bay with Uwe Boll??? Better take Olaf Ittenbach therefore!
Well i hated Transformers just as much as Alone in the Dark. I’m not gonna start to compare Bay with Boll, but Postal is good. Every Trash movie fan with an open mind between 15 and 40 years needs to see it, it will be slightly cut in US theaters (Uwe said so) so at least go rent it when it’s on DVD.
It’s really one of the “trashiest” movies I have ever seen, and that’s awesome in my book.
Yeah,I´ve seen that great scene,shortly before they hit the towers,the terrorist´s discussion about how many virgins they will get for this. Think it was time somebody touched that issue, even in this way.
BTW,what was so wrong about Transformers? Think it really kicked ass!
I’d take Bay over Uwe Boll any day of the week. Uwe Boll not only is an untalented piece of crap, he’s Hollywood’s biggest buffoon. Those boxing matches he had with his critics…what a jerk. If you want to prove something, the least you can do is finding a critic who is heavier than a hundred and twenty pounds. Anyway, this is off topic…
I’d rather watch a Boll film. Neither one of them realizes how much their movies suck. Bays movies are fucking pompous and unfunny. Transformers was crap! The first scene makes the motherfuckers look invincible, then the final battle they are pussies. Were any of the characters likable? They transformers look like shit too. What happened to StarScream! Spielberg shouldn’t produce anymore, I’m sure he has enough money as it is.
Did anyone see the show On The Lot. My fucking god did they pick the shittiest directors to give advice. Not only Bay but they also had Eli Roth! Hollywood is RETARDED!
Did anyone else see that Kill Bill refrence made to the Pussy Wagon truck? The Kill Bill theme plays as well.
Nostalgia. That’s what kept me watching this movie. And it took me a long time to get thru it. At first I found it too boring to get past the beginning after the big action scene and couldn’t just take the lead character. So I just cut it off. Then I decided to give it a chance. (I was monumentally bored that day).
I remembered how cool Optimus Prime was as a kid, when I watched the cartoons. And I kinda think that, and the fighting scenes kept me watching. Otherwise… the movie is crap. I’m glad I didn’t pay to see it. But the cartoons were better. LOL
Did anyone else see that Kill Bill refrence made to the Pussy Wagon truck? The Kill Bill theme plays as well.
Yes, I was outraged. How dare he, the motherfucker.
Probably Bay’s best film yet, but even then the only real thing this film had going for it were the breathtaking action sequences. Shia LaBeouf was by far the strongest actor on show with an impressive performane given what he had to work with. Megan Fox was simply eye candy and some very nice cameos here and there particularly from Bernie Mac. The CGI was some of the best I’ve seen yet, seemlessly blending between live action. The humour in the film felt forced a lot of the time and seemed to be aimed at young teenagers (“Excuse me, are you the tooth fairy?”, “She laughed? Are you sure she didn’t just fart?”). The glaring continuity error (what was supposed to be daylight changed into night time in a matter of minutes during an action scene) spoiled it somewhat. The reference to Tarantino’s Kill Bill was cringeworthy just like some of the humour and particularly like the sentimental scene. The sound in the cinema I went to was awesome and the bass in megatron’s voice emphasised his menace spectacularly. All in all a film filled with some brilliant action scenes but one which lacks in virtually every other department.
I thought it was a piece of shit movie. Yes, including the action scenes. I didn’t even have a clue what the fuck was going on most of the time. Still waiting for that day when Bay would keep the shot for more than 0.5 seconds during an action scene. Not to mention his vomit-inducing tendency to include overdramatic scenes. Like when the yellow robot gets captured and Shia Lewhateverhissurnameis goes all weepy on us. Wake up, pussy. It’s just a piece of metal. No need to cry and show to the whole world your balls have gone missing. And the humor in it put me in a state of temporary depression. “Oh look, it’s John Turturro in his underwear! Look, that robot is peeing!.I think we’re supposed to laugh. Hahaha!” The plot was so cringeworthy stupid it was an insult for a kid’s intelligence. I think you got my point. If you find a copy of this movie at your local retailer, burn it in front of the manager and tell him you are doing a service to humanity.