what happend to Tom? i heard he’s doing real bad again, using lots of drugs and producing low budget pornfilms? i love this guy, really, i always thought it’s sad how underrated he was an an actor, i still do, he’s cool as shit, why doesn’t he get good parts anymore? his last great role was Saving Private Ryan back in '98, Quentin should give his life a kickstart and cast him in a leading role in Inglorious Bastards, cause i really feel bad for the guy
if he doesnt get his shit together, im not gonna be surprised if he ends up overdosed or with slit wrists one of these days, SUPPORT TOM SIZEMORE!
I thought he was okay in BLACK HAWK DOWN, but yeah, it´s a crying shame. Sad story. The last time i read something about the issue was like three weeks ago, he told some newspaper guy that he was seriously thinking about commiting suicide at some point cause he didn´t knew how to fucking get out of the whole drug thing.
C´mon man, get yourself together, your wife just gave birth to your twins.
I love him as an actor. He rules in Strange Days
:o Damn, he got arrested again!!!
Tom Sizemore, on probation for a drug rap, was arrested Tuesday for investigation of possessing methamphetamine as he sat in a car outside a Bakersfield hotel.
The 45-year-old actor was arrested after drugs were found in his car outside the Four Points Sheraton hotel, said police Detective Greg Terry.
Officers were called to the hotel at about 7:30 a.m. by a report that a man had challenged an employee to fight while trying to check in, Terry said.
The man, believed to be an associate of Sizemore’s, had gotten into a dispute over whether he had a reservation, the detective said.
Jason Salcido, 33, of Whittier, was found to be on parole, and officers found he was carrying a “narcotic smoking pipe,” Terry said.
Officers learned that he and Sizemore were together and saw Sizemore sitting in a 2004 Ford Mustang in the hotel parking lot.
“He displayed symptoms of being under the influence,” Terry said.
A search of the car turned up two bags of suspected methamphetamine and “some additional narcotics smoking pipes,” Terry said.
Sizemore was arrested and booked at the Kern County Jail for investigation of possession of methamphetamine, being under the influence of a controlled substance and possession of narcotic paraphernalia, the detective said.
<LINK_TEXT text=“http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070508/ap_ … e_arrest_6”>http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070508/ap_en_ce/people_tom_sizemore_arrest_6</LINK_TEXT>
This is indeed a sad story. This man is brilliant. He had a reality show on Vh1 called ‘Shooting Sizemore’. I don’t think it finished it’s run because he was in such bad shape. Fell right back on the drugs. It’s hard. For some reason some people ‘really’ get hooked.
He’s got all my support. I hope he makes it back as an actor one day.