The TCM (Turner Classic Movies) Appreciation Thread

I’m really divided on Casablanca.

Every scene that takes place in Rick’s club: Thumbsup

Every other scene: Thumbsdown

Haven’t seen that one yet. I expected more from Seventh Seal, but I loved Wild Strawberries and Virgin Spring.

Completely agree. The most haunting and stunning final shot I’ve ever seen.

…Oh, and I’m looking forward to Che too.

Casablanca isn’t that great. This goes for most of the films that are declared the best of all time but once you get past that list of so called best of, you learn there are better. Although, Rick’s Bar is awesomea and Humphrey Bogart is Humphrey Bogart.

The Seventh Seal isn’t his best, I’d say Cries and Whispers is. It’s one affecting film.

When Kinksi looks at the camera in Aguirre and says, “I am the wrath of God” I got on my knees and began praying.

I really have to check out Cries and Whispers and the Virgin Spring. I favor Wild Strawberries as my fav Bergman.

I went looking for the Aguirre dvd, and only found a bad 2000 version of it and a Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski collection of there films together. Does anyone know of a better transfer dvd of the movie, or should I buy the Herzog/Kinski collection?

I really have to check out Cries and Whispers and the Virgin Spring. I favor Wild Strawberries as my fav Bergman.

I went looking for the Aguirre dvd, and only found a bad 2000 version of it and a Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski collection of there films together. Does anyone know of a better transfer dvd of the movie, or should I buy the Herzog/Kinski collection?

The Herzog/Kinski collection is a wise investment as those are some of the best films ever made. Also his collaborations with Bruno S. like Stroszek.

I will see about getting the Herzog/Kinski collection then my friend. Right now I pre-ordered the Seventh Seal on Blu-ray from the Criterion Collection, so don’t want to spend too much right now. Maybe next week. lol.

This “Director’s Showcase Month” they’ve currently got going on has been a good one. Welles night tonight. Gonna watch Magnificent Ambersons. Haven’t seen it yet.

I meant to watch Kurosawa night last week, but I haven’t been in the mood for 3-Hour movies lately (Kagemusha & Red Beard.

^ Yeah, I turned on the T.V. that night and was pissed that I missed Kurosawa. Will try to catch some Orson Welles tonight.

On TCM on the 18th is Fracois Truffaut night and they’LL be showing a boatload of his movies, including The Bride Wore Black! I don’t know about ya’ll but I’ve been very excited to see this flick for the longest time and just thought I’d let anybody else know that might wanna see it that it’s gonna be on.

For those who don’t know what that is here’s the description from the TCM schedule, see if it reminds you of anything else you might’ve seen.

"A woman seeks revenge on the five men who murdered her fiance"

QT claims to have never seen the flick.

She does it sexually too. The succubus!

[quote=“Ordell Rodriguez”]
On TCM on the 18th is Fracois Truffaut night and they’LL be showing a boatload of his movies, including The Bride Wore Black! I don’t know about ya’ll but I’ve been very excited to see this flick for the longest time and just thought I’d let anybody else know that might wanna see it that it’s gonna be on.

For those who don’t know what that is here’s the description from the TCM schedule, see if it reminds you of anything else you might’ve seen.

"A woman seeks revenge on the five men who murdered her fiance"

QT claims to have never seen the flick.

On average a man can only watch one or two films a day. It depends, it took me all evening to watch Ben Hur, I’m contemplating a rewatch sometime near December where it’s most appropriate. My point is a man can only watch a handful of films each week, but in QT’s lifestyle - he worked in a videostore so he could just take a VHS tape one night and return it the next day. I think he saw it and forgot that he saw it, and somewhere in his subconscious he conceived the death list five. But it doesn’t matter…I don’t see why I even bothered to write all this, it goes nowhere. Oh, well, hitting the post button…Now.

Can you explain that Private Message you just sent me?

The one that says:

[quote]I hope you fall asleep and the rats eat your rotting corpse.

Hate you forever.

Master Lt. Bio"Bette"Basterd[/quote]

Does anyone else find that Bio has a very feminin tone?

How else would you describe a 21 year old boy with an unhealthy interest in dead movie stars from the 1940’s… What do they eventually turn into?


And now a visual

[quote=“Cyd Novak”]
How else would you describe a 21 year old boy with an unhealthy interest in dead movie stars from the 1940’s…

haha I could see through it if we were talking at least in his 30’s, 40’s or something. But 21… he must be a right Granda!

[quote=“Cyd Novak”]
How else would you describe a 21 year old boy with an unhealthy interest in dead movie stars from the 1940’s… What do they eventually turn into?


And now a visual


Which one is him?

The one who looks like the egg with a painted face.

[quote=“Cyd Novak”]
The one who looks like the egg with a painted face.

Yeah, you’re gonna have to be more specific. It looks like they got too close to muffler’s or something. She’s the queen of broadway though.

[quote=“Lt. BioBasterd”]
On average a man can only watch one or two films a day. It depends, it took me all evening to watch Ben Hur, I’m contemplating a rewatch sometime near December where it’s most appropriate. My point is a man can only watch a handful of films each week, but in QT’s lifestyle - he worked in a videostore so he could just take a VHS tape one night and return it the next day. I think he saw it and forgot that he saw it, and somewhere in his subconscious he conceived the death list five. But it doesn’t matter…I don’t see why I even bothered to write all this, it goes nowhere. Oh, well, hitting the post button…Now.

I thought that was going somewhere.

A few hours to go now (to the Bride Wore Black). So excited!

[quote=“Ordell Rodriguez”]
A few hours to go now (to the Bride Wore Black). So excited!

Hehe, bought it today. When I read the plot I wondered how the hell didn’t I get my hands on this movie right after watching Kill Bill :o

So many movies to watch these days, dunno where to start!

Hehe, bought it today. When I read the plot I wondered how the hell didn’t I get my hands on this movie right after watching Kill Bill :o

So many movies to watch these days, dunno where to start!

When I found out about it I was shocked how little people talked about it. Guess I’ll find out tonight how come.

I feel like that sometimes. Overwhelming.

Fellini night tonight:

La Strada,Satyricon (Seen 'em. Loved 'em)

Juliet/Spirits,Roma (Haven’t seen 'em. Gonna watch 'em)

And it’s a good thing that I’ve already seen the doc, Stanley Kubrick:A Life in Pictures because (For some strange reason) the TCM showing had no credits or captions whatsoever! You would have been completely lost to know who some of the interviewees were.

I watched the first Thin Man movie for the first time yesterday and enjoyed it greatly. It’s almost like the great film that Howard Hawks never made.