The Most Evil Character/The Villain of each movie

Reservoir Dogs - Mr. Blonde - need i say more

Pulp Fiction - Zed and Maynard - ditto

Jackie Brown - Ordell - just a fucked up out for himself evil individual

Kill Bill - GoGo - the most mind screwed female in Kill Bill yea Elle was fucked but GoGo was just tottaly relentless and unpredictable

From Dusk Till Dawn - Richie Gecko - crazy perverted guy can not be trusted without his brother

True Romance - Virgil - tottaly unforgiving show no mercy mother fucker perfect right hand man for someone like Vincenzo Coccotti. Drexl Spivey is a close second

Oh yeah i forgot Richie from FDTD!! He’s probably one of the worst in all the films.

I think the mafia guy in True Romance who beats Alabama up in the Hotel suite is a reallly bad motherfucker…

Reservoir dogs- mr.Blonde

pulp fiction- zed

kill bill- bud, gogo,and buck

from dusk till dawn- the vampires

true romance -virgil

Reservoir dogs: Mr. Blonde( he goes crazy on the cop)

pulp fiction: zed and the other guy ( they rape MAR i mean damn)

jackie brown: ordell ( hes a bad muth fucka)

kill bill: bill ( attempted to kill the bride)

true romance: Drexel( he started alot of the shit that lead them going down)

NBK: micky and mallory ( got nuthin to back them up)

FDTD: every vampire ( think about it)

i agree with that

I think the mafia guy in True Romance who beats Alabama up in the Hotel suite is a reallly bad motherfucker…

Yeah, I think Gandolfini’s character in TR was the most evil. That scene really stuck with me.

I think the mafia guy in True Romance who beats Alabama up in the Hotel suite is a reallly bad motherfucker…

Yeah, I’ll agree although Mr. Blonde might compete with him.

Vincenzo Coccotti from True Romance is pretty fucked up, i mean hes a real sadistic peice of work. Then again so is Drexl Spivey.

What about Marcellus Wallace, he is a nasty violent s.o.b he has his chubby fingers in every violent act and death in pulp fiction, whether its direct or a result of his order.

If you guys actually watched Reservoir Dogs you would know “Long Beach Mike” was the most evil character.

[quote=“Knoxville Kingpin”]
If you guys actually watched Reservoir Dogs you would know “Long Beach Mike” was the most evil character.

I really wish I knew more about Long Beach Mike, seems like an interesting character. Maybe the videogame will elaborate.

Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity! Just saw it for the first time, it was what you call…Divine. A picture made in heaven, I ‘ve never seen anything quite like it. :’(

Most Evil: Mickey Knox - that court room scene in the original script clinched it for me.

Sure. It was pure evil straight from hell.

RD - Mr. Blonde

PF - The hillbilly brothers Maynard and Zed

FDTD - Santanico Pandemonium

KB - Ellie

DP - Stuntman Mike



IB - Hans Landa can only be beaten by Mickey Knox in evilness.

Sure. It was pure evil straight from hell.

RD - Mr. Blonde

PF - The hillbilly brothers Maynard and Zed

FDTD - Santanico Pandemonium

KB - Ellie

DP - Stuntman Mike



IB - Hans Landa can only be beaten by Mickey Knox in evilness.

Good thing I don't know the character's faces that go with the names. How about placing the spoiler right on the top.