Two Questions:
Who do you think the most evil person QT has put to film is?
With so many characters that may be considered the antagonist, who do you think the villain of each QT film is? (Example, list for Res. Dogs, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, and then, if you feel like it, FDTD and NBK)
Thats a good question......................<br/> <br/> <br/> I
ll have to think. Maybe Drexl…
Most Evil: Mickey Knox - that court room scene in the original script clinched it for me.
Most fucked up: Zed
[quote]With so many characters that may be considered the antagonist, who do you think the villain of each QT film is? (Example, list for Res. Dogs, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, and then, if you feel like it, FDTD and NBK)[/quote]
Real quick…if a few of you could do this one too…(I feel like I’m pressing it…but I just want to make sure it wasn’t overlooked…)
Gandolfini’s character in True Romance was pretty bad
Mr. Blonde
Richard Gecko
basically people who torture people
Zed & Maynard, cause they are 2 fucked up motherfuckers
I think the most evil QT characters are the psychos; like Mr. Blonde, Richie Gecko, Mickey and Mallory etc. These guys don’t just hurt people, they TAKE PLEASURE in doing so.
Mallory’s Dad, played by Rodney Dangerfield, was a pretty fucked up and evil character too. And Mickey and Mallory, obviously. And Scagnetti, that slimeball, and the sick Warden…
DAMN! Pretty Fucking evil cast in that film!
Mallory’s dad wasn’t in Tarantino’s script, and Scagnetti and the Warden had been altered big time from how they appeared in the original script and how they ended up being by the time the movie had finished shooting. I view them as Oliver Stone characters as opposed to Quentin Tarantino characters.
RESERVOIR DOGS: Mr. Blonde (He’s a psychopath).
TRUE ROMANCE: Virgil [Gandolfini] (He throws Alabama through a glass shower door. Brutality at it’s best).
PULP FICTION: Zed & Maynard (If you ass-rape a 300 pound black man who happens to be a criminal kingpin, you’re a bad-ass, evil motherfucker).
NATURAL BORN KILLERS: Mallory Knox (Generally speaking, most serial killers/mass murderers are men. So to find a woman who ENJOYS killing is a rarity. For that alone, she’s the most ruthless person in the [original] script).
JACKIE BROWN: Melanie Ralston (Is this bitch a CUNT or what? Don’t get me wrong. She’s a fine piece of ass, but she’s a backstabbing whore. She’s the worst kind of woman. Always up your ass and in your ears, antagonizing the piss outta you. Served her right to be shot dead).
FROM DUSK TILL DAWN: Richie Gecko (Anyone who rapes and kills for fun is not only entertaining, but they’re evil as well).
KILL BILL: Judging from the script, I’d say Bill. Who else would shoot the love of their life on their wedding day? That’s cold-hearted, evil shit.
That’s my post for the month. Later.
Mr. Orange=Evil-est Motherfucker.
What kind of a piece of shit could set up all of those fellows he obviously likes and gets along with? A chicken-shit sonuvabitch, that’s what kind.
[quote]Mallory’s Dad, played by Rodney Dangerfield, was a pretty fucked up and evil character too. And Mickey and Mallory, obviously. And Scagnetti, that slimeball, and the sick Warden…
DAMN! Pretty Fucking evil cast in that film![/quote]
The Warden wasn’t a bad guy.
How do you think he was?
[quote]Mr. Orange=Evil-est Motherfucker.
What kind of a piece of shit could set up all of those fellows he obviously likes and gets along with?  A chicken-shit sonuvabitch, that’s what kind.[/quote]
He was a good guy. He did the right thing by trying to take the Dogs down(except White, who, while he does kill people, really isn’t a bad man). In the end, he even proves himself to be really honorable by telling White that he is a cop. A goodfella.
And he didn’t really like anyone but White.
Mallory’ dad hands down; blonde was fuckin crazy but he’d just gotten out of prison didn’t want to go back and really hated cops. mickey was delusional and had a drug problem so he wasn’t in his right stste of mind and as we all know in this fuct up american judicial system if you’re crazy you don’t get hanged. Pedophilia-incest is just despciable.
Everyone in natural born killers. Espcially Mickey. Richie Gecko and Bucho. Zed and Maynard, the guys who stole the money from Mr Wallace. Mr Blonde.
Still, I think the Warden was a pretty good guy. Everybody else is slime.
Yeah hes just in the prison 24/7 and has gone off his rocker a [size=1]tiny[/size] bit.
I’ll admit, the man lives on the edge, but his prision is a VERY harsh one. He isn’t needlessly cruel, he doesn’t harm those that aren’t guilty…so I guess I’d make him the anti-hero of the movie. The good (but semi-crazy) antagonist to Mickey’s pure evil protangonist.
mr blonde
mallory’s dad
mickey and mallory
i think that Bill is the most evil-he fuckin shot my girl Uma in the head!