The Hateful Eight extended version on Netflix

So there seems to be an “Extended version” hitting US Netflix next month. I wonder if that’s the “roadshow version” (or something like the Roadshow Version but without the intermission etc, and of course not in the same aspect ratio, but like the RS Version that’s also shown in 35mm sometimes)

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That would be a dream come true for me! I’ve been digging this movie from the start.

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That is fantastic! Can’t wait to see it!

Oops I’m sleepy and thought that said this was an extended version of Django Unchained, which Quentin has said he’d like to put out, possibly as a mini-series on a streaming service.

So this has got to be the Roadshow Version, which is thrilling because I’ve wondered if I’d ever get to see that. And really hope it does have the opening music and intermission. I love when those are presented in the home video releases of older films. Speaking of which, I wonder if this could lead to a home video release of the Roadshow Version… Dare I hope?

Until I see otherwise, I believe this will neither have the intermission etc (just the additional footage) nor will the actual roadshow version ever make it to BluRay. It’s only the roadshow if it’s that theatrical experience

I guess we’ll find out soon, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me to make a third cut of the film just for Netflix.

This is interesting, because it includes an interview with QT on how he removed Django from the script

and this one took the time to analyze why the Netflix version isn’t actually longer than the Roadshow cut


I have to check if this is still available.