The Evil Dead Posters


The imp awards posters don’t show for me man.

My first copy of the film had this cover:

And it’s still my favorite. Hopefully mine doesn’t show as a broken image!

Is that a scene from the movie in the poster cos I don’t remember that. I haven’t seen it in about a year though.

p.s. FreddyKreuger3456789, could you have found a more irritatingly-larger signature!!!

Is that a scene from the movie in the poster cos I don’t remember that. I haven’t seen it in about a year though.

[/quote]Nah, never actually happens but I guess it’s an allusion to the whole tree-rape sequence. Something to get the audiences attention. I remember picking it up on VHS for like $5 back in the day with that cover 8) That was probably a decade ago, and it was my first time seeing it uncut since originally watching the TV edit on USA Up All Night.

And yeah, Kreuger, you may want to find some smaller pics to throw in your signature. At first I thought you had the Grindhouse posters as part of the thread and that really threw me off :stuck_out_tongue:

Id like a poster like the first but with the deadite hands showing on the sides ( like they are closing in ) it looks that way on one of the covers… it looks great but its such a let down to watch the film and realise he doesnt use the chainsaw at all… ( hes about to in one scene but then pussys out ) … icant see the other two posters

Unusual Front of House promotional poster for “Evil Dead” This was used after the film got a re releaseand an 18 certificate during the Video Nasty fiasco of the mid eighties.

This is what i like… ( below ) i want a proper poster of that, with all the other trimmings