The Current Events Topic

I figure there’s gotta be more than a few of us that keep our heads above the sand and actually care about what’s going on in the real world so I started this thread as a place for us to discuss the fucked up things that tend to happen.

To start things off I found this article about a UK police force trying to get their community to rat out fellow citizens who happen to have shiny things.

Too Much Bling? Give us a Ring!

<LINK_TEXT text=“ … -us-a-ring”></LINK_TEXT>!

As if turning regular folk into snitches isn’t bad enough this police force wants you to “rat out” anybody with expensive things. Sure they say that you should only “drop the dime” on people who’ve got things they shouldn’t be able to afford, but how are you supposed to know they can’t afford it if you don’t know the person pretty well? And if you know the person pretty well, how do you not know how they make a living?

Are you really surprised, Dex?

Did you see Wanda Sykes wishing death on Rush Limbaugh, and Obama laughing it up?

I’d heard the 9/11 part of the joke but not the kidney line. Why did they have Wanda Sykes there in the first place? Did Chris Rock turn them down or something?

Apparently all the funny people were busy.

Check out these crazy ass clouds popping up all over Britain and New Zealand.

<LINK_TEXT text=“Latest Science News & Technology News | Daily Mail Online … world.html”>The cloud with no name: Meteorologists campaign to classify unique 'Asperatus' clouds seen across the world | Daily Mail Online</LINK_TEXT>

Anybody out there actually see any of these in person?

[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]
Did you see Wanda Sykes wishing death on Rush Limbaugh, and Obama laughing it up?[/quote]

Seeing as this is regarding a man who’s made a living out of being a rude twat I couldn’t really care less. Call me childish if you will.

Check out these crazy ass clouds popping up all over Britain and New Zealand.

<LINK_TEXT text=“Latest Science News & Technology News | Daily Mail Online … world.html”>The cloud with no name: Meteorologists campaign to classify unique 'Asperatus' clouds seen across the world | Daily Mail Online</LINK_TEXT>

Anybody out there actually see any of these in person?


OMG! That is FREAKY! It looks photoshopped, but they’re real. Weirdness.

Seeing as this is regarding a man who’s made a living out of being a rude twat I couldn’t really care less. Call me childish if you will.

I <3 Rush.

Anybody been following the “Cap and Trade” scandal? Obama’s people are forcing this thing forward despite the fact that it’s completely unnecessary. The only thing it will accomplish is the further controlled destruction of the world’s economy.

We’ve still got a few days before this goes through the senate so all Americans are urged to contact their senators and tell them you’re against this bill.

For those who don’t know about it yet. The “Cap and Trade” bill is basically the governments way of taxing all people for their CO2 emissions. Every US home will be inspected and taxed based on how much energy it uses. There’s even a built in amendment that will allow that Government to tax us for breathing! The cable news channels want you to believe this is only important to the industrial community but the bill goes far deeper than that.

The fact that no legitimate scientist has been able identify a link between CO2 emissions and global temperatures is reason enough to call this bill completely ludicrous but the fact that they’re using those lies to control the NAU populous is beyond absurd.