This is going to be one strange movie… with Pitt Novak AND Roth :o Lindsey Lohan playing Shosanna is looking more and more plausible … maybe Spears could play Bridget 8)
I was first VERY excited to read that Pitt had confirmed to be in the movie. I guess I skipped the Lindsay Lohan part, OMG, how sure is that ? If she's in, it's probably one of the worst about the movie so far... The worst and the first bad news even...
I read from the BBC that Simon Pegg may be involved too. I know it shouldn’t but all this news of QT casting his mates is really starting to piss me off. Eli Roth and Simon Pegg in Quentin Tarantino’s WWII epic? Are you fucking kidding me? I really thought this would be the ultimate QT film, but with fucking lame talents like that, I can’t help but to think otherwise. As someone said, IB could be a laughing stock. I mean imagine Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now or Platoon having those idiots in it. I guess you can make the argument that IB won’t be anything like those great war films, but will it still be credible?
I have to admit, after hearing what a lot of people have said about the script - how Shasanna’s story is the main story and the bastards don’t feature as much, how there is a lot of references to cinema and genre’s of old well - it put me off a bit. I was expecting a “man on a mission” movie just like QT said. A no holds barred, spaghetti western, set in no man’s land… wait, let me just quote his interview with Empire magazine in 2004:
Q. You’ve got the script written for Inglorious Bastards - what’s your take on WWII? Obviously it will be different from anything we’ve seen before.
It’ll have a very epic feel. It’ll be my take on the sociological battlefield at that time with the racism and barbarism - on both sides. On the Nazi side and the American side and the black soldiers and Jewish soldiers and Nazis and the French, because it all takes place in France.
Q. Is it just after D-Day?
Yeah, depending on exactly how I end up finally struturing it but there are sequences that happen before D-Day - I’ll have little things like ‘One Year After Occupation’, and 'Four Months After Occupation. ‘Two years Before Occupation’ - that kind of thing, but the thrust of the story will happen after D-Day.
Q. Are you shooting it in Spain?
I don’t know where I’m going to shoot it. We’ll figure out where I’m going to shoot it when I’m 100 per cent go on it. The other thing about it is, again, it’ll kind of be my spaghetti western too. It’s the one time in the 20th Century where that almost kind of spaghetti western, barren no man’s land, landscape happened with the Nazis taking over countries.
Q. It sounds like Kelly’s Heroes…
Kelly’s Heroes is a real lark. I never felt like it was that much of a spaghetti western, it was more of a caper film. I want it to be more like what The Good, The Bad And The Ugly was to the civil war.
I think as QT was writing it turned into something else completely. Also dont forget he wrote 600 pages. Theres still another movies worth of material he can use.
I dont think this one is going to be a big epic war film like Apoc Now, thats for sure. But I have no idea what the film will look like. The scope of it.
I think as QT was writing it turned into something else completely. Also dont forget he wrote 600 pages. Theres still another movies worth of material he can use.
I dont think this one is going to be a big epic war film like Apoc Now, thats for sure. But I have no idea what the final result will be.
Oh man, this is making me more and more sceptical. You’re right, it doesn’t seem like an epic film at all. I really hope QT knows what he’s doing. I really hope he hasn’t lost it. The one good thing I heard was that it’s like Kill Bill set in WWII, but crazier. If that’s the case, I’m all for it.
I don’t mind the cinematic part of it. In fact, it is a very, very good idea in my mind. We’ve seen battle in war films for almost a century now, and we will see it in Inglorious Bastards too, but with the cinema-aspect, we will also be seeing a lot more. It’s a 150-minute movie. There’s loads of space.
As long as this movie is entertaining and beautifully shot, I really dont care if theres not a ton of action in it. I mean, even films like The Great Escape or Dirty Dozen werent that action packed either. Theyre mostly people talking for the entire time when you think about it.
Ive seen tons of war films with guys out in the trenches shooting each other. Thats fine, but theres other aspects to war too. Plus The Basterds are a special unit for doing certain kinds of missions.
he stated numerous times that it’s not gonna be your typical period piece. we’ve seen those a thousand times. IB will be a fantastic journey into cinematic WW2-land, with i’m sure a good comic twist to it, some hilarious stuff, great acting, totally fictitious stuff, lots of violence, great music and acting.
you can’t really call pegg and roth untalented hacks, just because they are QT’s friends. Clooney is a friend of QT’s, so is Travolta, Rodriguez and bruce willis. are those hacks? nope. you don’t have to be an established (or post-career) hollywood ace to star in a tarantino movie, c’mon.
Seb: Youre still missing the point on Roth. Hes not an actor on the A level. I mean how could you look at Travolta or Clooney who are big A list stars and put Roth next to them? Its not right. They arent the same.
Im just saying its really a stretch to put Roth into a leading role and have no worries about it. I trust QT, but after I saw Roth in Death Proof, I cant say Im thrilled about him being cast. But Im gonna just see what he does. Believe me, I want Roth to prove me wrong 100%. I want to leave the movie and think hes the biggest, coolest badass ever.
he stated numerous times that it’s not gonna be your typical period piece. we’ve seen those a thousand times. IB will be a fantastic journey into cinematic WW2-land, with i’m sure a good comic twist to it, some hilarious stuff, great acting, totally fictitious stuff, lots of violence, great music and acting.
you can’t really call pegg and roth untalented hacks, just because they are QT’s friends. Clooney is a friend of QT’s, so is Travolta, Rodriguez and bruce willis. are those hacks? nope. you don’t have to be an established (or post-career) hollywood ace to star in a tarantino movie, c’mon.
Were those guys QT’s friends before he met them to star in his films? I don’t think so.
What’s more, I for one am not calling Roth and Pegg untalented hacks just because they’re QT’s friends. I’ve seen their work, I know what they’re good at. But to have them star in QT’s WWII film? Isn’t that pushing it? Kill Bill was a fantasitc journey in cinema, with twists, hilarious stuff, great acting, totally fictitious stuff, lots of violence and great music - imagine if Roth and Pegg were in that!
You gotta just trust that QT knows these guys will be great in their roles. Like I said before, QT didnt spend all that time writing the script to cast people who would ruin his movie. If he did, it would be the biggest mistake of his professional life.