Yeah, I just came to know that he will be presenting 20-25 Italian films from the 50s, 60s and 70s together with Joe Dante. The whole project will be called “Italian Kings of the Bs”. Awesome  8)
Okay, this is in the wrong board, but I hope that everyone has understand what it means!
When the Festival in Venice is (1 - 11. Septemper) Qt will come and “host” some fine restort movies. Read this from the official homepage:
In cinema too there are two histories: the official one, which is the one normally taught to us in school, and a secret one, one wrongly considered to be “inferior”: the history in which the real causes of events are found.
The boom of the New Italian Cinema (from the 1930s onwards) occurred because, in parallel with its rise, there was the growth also of a “lower cinema”, in which authors and workers attempted to invent the first true Italian “genre cinema”; a spectacular cinema which whirled through the market without losing any of its innovative charge in terms of style and subject.
It is only right, therefore, that the Cinema Section of the Biennale should open the work of rediscovery and restoration of the forgotten Italian cinema, one that is invisible, unknown or unacknowledged. Ideally, the retrospective of the 2004 Festival should constitute only the start of a process of study and recovery, with a timetable of Permanent activities over a period of four years exploring and diversifying the discoveries.
The retrospective of the 61st Festival: The secret history of Italian cinema. Kings of the 'Bs (1960-1980) will include 30 to 35 films by directors such as Mario Bava, Vittorio Cottafavi, Fernando Di Leo, Lucio Fulci, Antonio Margheriti, and others.
I reread the old topic here and found out that we didn´t post the movies shown in the Retro!
here is the list:
The program
Ferdinando BALDI
Blindman (1972)
Col cuore in gola (1967)
Quel maledetto treno blindato (1977)
W la foca (1982)
La vendetta di Ercole (1960)
I cento cavalieri (1961)
Quien sabe? (1967, versione integrale)
Cannibal Holocaust (1979)
Fernando DI LEO
I ragazzi del massacro (1969)
Milano calibro 9 (1972)
La mala ordina (1972)
Il boss (1973)
I padroni della città(1976)
La guerra di Troia (1961)
Riccardo FREDA
Estratto dagli archivi segreti della polizia di una capitale europea (1972)
Non si sevizia un paperino (1972)
L’aldilà… e tu vivrai nel terrore (1981)
Umberto LENZI
Orgasmo (1969)
Danza macabra (1964)
Lo strano vizio della signora Wardh (1970)
Nino and Toni PAGOT
I fratelli dinamite (1949)
Luciano SALCE
Colpo di Stato (1969)
La resa dei conti (1966)
Il dio serpente (1970)
Colpo rovente (1969)
Underground Italia
Schegge di utopia
Gianfranco BARUCHELLO and Alberto GRIFI
La verifica incerta (1964)
Alberto GRIFI
Transfert per kamera verso Virulentia (1975)
A mosca cieca (1966)
Ritratto di Gianfranco Barucchello (2004)
Ritratto di Alberto Grifi (2004)
Ritratto di Romano Scovolini (2004)
This is what QT said about Di Leo:
Within the programme planned for the Festival, Quentin Tarantino will present a special homage to “Fernando Di Leo, the Boss”. The American director’s consideration for Di Leo is clearly demonstrated in a declaration he made: “During my adolescence, I worked as a shop assistant in a video-store in Santa Monica, and one of the first cassettes I saw was significant for my future profession: it was I padroni della città. I didn’t know the film was Italian, nor had I ever heard of Fernando Di Leo; I only remember that after watching the film, I was bowled over. Di Leo had produced a gangster film set in the streets of Rome which could easily have been filmed by Don Siegel: there was the same energy in the directing, the same dry tone as in the great American thrillers. And Jack Palance was simply fantastic in the part of the disfigured man. After seeing I padroni della città, I became obsessed and I began systematically to track down and watch the other films Di Leo had directed. The first I saw was La mala ordina which in my opinion is a true masterpiece of police thriller. I can still remember the impact this little Italian had on me as he was swallowed up in the big league and given orders from New York to take on the pair of killers played by Henry Silva and Woody Stroode. I think that in this film Di Leo gave his all. There’s also an amazing chase between the glutton and the guy who’s killed his wife and daughter, which lasts at least a quarter of an hour. At a certain point, he leaps on to a truck and smashes the windscreen with his head! Yes, he butts it with his head, amazing! Only a great director could imagine and film such a long scene without losing the tension for an instant. Then I got hold of Il boss, which in America was distributed with the name Wipeout!. This is another masterpiece full of bitterness and cruelty, again featuring the legendary Henry Silva playing a Mafia killer who murders everyone to get to the top, and by Richard Conte. The thing I like about Di Leo’s characters is that they’re real delinquent sons of bitches but never standardised or fake figures. And there’s always an underlying irony, even in the grimmest things shown, and this makes his films truly unique. I owe Fernando a great deal in terms of passion and film-making.” (“Nocturno”, September 2003).