Tarantino books Wiki pages

I am currently working on a Tarantino Books “portal” page for our wiki:

<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.tarantino.info/wiki/index.ph … tino_Books”>http://www.tarantino.info/wiki/index.php/Tarantino_Books</LINK_TEXT>

Please help by supporting feedback, additions, corrections etc. Either in this topic or directly log into the wiki with your forum login data and add the information.

Yes sir :wink:

Yes sir :wink:

it was not an order, it was merely a suggestion or an appeal. nobody is commanding you to do it. But, let me say this, Mr Lode here is one of the major crew members of the Spaghetti Western Database, and he obviously wants to use his wiki experiene to help The Quentin Tarantino Archives wiki. Applause please

Added lots more to it, but it’s still a work in progress. most of all, we need reviews. those can be full-page reviews, or short one-paragraph ones. please post or submit your reviews and thoughts on the books, that helps people a lot in deciding which one they want to buy

this is gonna be awesome, hail seb

thanks, we’re working a lot on it, and from what i’ve heard, more people can log in now into the wiki than they could before the server went down. so try your luck, and you might be able to waste your precious time editing stuff in the wiki, who nkows

Lookin good so far. I was surprised at how many little reviews there was. Keep up the great work!

yeah we need more. and I wanna make the table kind of sortable if that’s possible… and the overview page needs to be cleaned up, maybe sort the books by date or something. and include short description…

there’s also a lot still missing. and yeah, reviews…

I am currently working on a Tarantino Books “portal” page for our wiki:

<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.tarantino.info/wiki/index.ph … tino_Books”>http://www.tarantino.info/wiki/index.php/Tarantino_Books</LINK_TEXT>

Please help by supporting feedback, additions, corrections etc. Either in this topic or directly log into the wiki with your forum login data and add the information.

I just made some changes, among them making the table sortable. enjoy