Tarantino at the mall

ok in this web log of sorts, tarantino apparently approached this woman and they hung out at the mall together.

<LINK_TEXT text=“http://hollywoodlog.typepad.com/hollywo … s_day.html”>http://hollywoodlog.typepad.com/hollywoodlog/2004/04/spontaneous_day.html</LINK_TEXT>

Hahah. He took her magazine away from her and started pointing out articles…just like Clarence Whorley.



Man this is a good way to pick up girls(if your name is Tarantino that is).

Fucking hell!! first someone meets Uma, then another Samuel L Jackson, now someone meets Quentin?? How fuckin cool is that! She is one lucky so-and-so!! I wish i lived in America

other directors don’t do what tarantino do, he’s great

whats cool too is that he isnt that popular so he can go around in malls and not be so bothered like say Steven Speilburg

[quote]whats cool too is that he isnt that popular so he can go around in malls and not be so bothered like say Steven Speilburg[/quote]

i could barely tell you what speilberg looks like


i could barely tell you what speilberg looks like[/quote]

Since directors are for the most part behind the camera, I think they are much less prone to being recognised and bothered by the general public. Especially if your surname is Wachowski and actually think that by not showing your face you’ll be regarded as this mystique, divine figure. Now, if your name is Mel Gibson, that’s another story.

That’s a nice anecdote, but she said that Tarantino had a “bell pepper head” wtf, damn you bitch! Don’t diss the head.


great story. great director

wish he would come to Jersey but Jersey is VIEW ASKEW country

thats Kevin Smith for all non fans