<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.bild.de/BILD/news/bild-engli … ancer.html”>Quentin Tarantino: 'Pulp Fiction' director gets cosy with sexy Berlin buresque dancer | News | BILD.de</LINK_TEXT>
they got the whole B.S. stuff wrong, but there’s a picture…
I wish I could be her for like a minute there. ;D
haha, he’s stoned out of his mind
I wish I could be her for like a minute there. ;D
I’d rather be him for half a minute !
The press will link QT with any woman who looks at him. He looks wrecked out of his head.
QT is living the dream.
When he said it’s mountain climbing time, I didn’t think he meant in that way ;D
haha, he’s stoned out of his mind
maybe the pic was taken at the wrong time and he is just about to sneeze.
maybe the pic was taken at the wrong time and he is just about to sneeze.
I wonder what QT thinks of the fact that we analyse the fuck out of every single picture of him taken by some douchebag with a camera. He should go out with a t-shirt saying “Piss off QTA members” next time he’s cuddling with some bitch.
He doesn’t need to be relaxin He needs to be working if he intends to get this film finished by Cannes… He hasn’t even finished casting and filming starts in 7 weeks and I read somewhere he is going to be in Denver this week ughhhh
He doesn’t need to be relaxin He needs to be working if he intends to get this film finished by Cannes… He hasn’t even finished casting and filming starts in 7 weeks and I read somewhere he is going to be in Denver this week ughhhh
You his mother or his manager?
No I’m a fan that would like to see the film finished sometime this decade and at the rate he’s going its not looking like that’s gonna happen
No I’m a fan that would like to see the film finished sometime this decade and at the rate he’s going its not looking like that’s gonna happen
So he’s not allowed to go out and have fun till Cannes of next year? You’re pretty harsh.
Hemingway said that he left his best books between the sheets I hope QT doesn’t leave his best movie(s) between the sheets. …
there’s lots of things you can do between the (bed)sheets that I’d chose over working anytime ;D
Hemingway said that he left his best books between the sheets I hope QT doesn’t leave his best movie(s) between the sheets. …
and clint eastwood said “sex is overrated”… you are not obliged to totally agree
there’s lots of things you can do between the (bed)sheets that I’d chose over working anytime ;D
I hear ya mate! ;D
and clint eastwood said “sex is overrated”… you are not obliged to totally agree
I wholeheartedly disagree. when has clint eastwood become such a dork?
[quote]when has clint eastwood become such a dork[/quote]
probably after that 7th kid… having that many kids would cause anyone to rethink sex