Swedish Invasion Topic

Haha, vi har skrivit mer i vår tråd än ni har. Nananananananana

Jag är bääst

Ja, Louise, det är du!

Jag vet 8) haha

men du kan oxå få vara lite bäst.

Har nästan lust att spamma över tråden med bilder på JOAQUIN PHOENIX; THE ONE AND ONLY

Swedish invasion!! ow no!! swedish, sweetish sweet!

my bum is on the sweeeeeeeeedish- tom green, the bum bum song.

Swedish invasion!! ow no!! swedish, sweetish sweet!

my bum is on the sweeeeeeeeedish- tom green, the bum bum song.
I love Swedish. Your language looks like you are just banging your head to the keyboard.

Hahahaha, look who’s talking.

ja, jag är nog ganska bra ibland Louise! Sweden is the best!!!

Met je gekke å in elk woord.

Hahahaha, look who’s talking.
I would think that my mum should be a little more supporting

Teach me some dirty dutch words


Dit is echt een goede strategie…zweden halen onze teller wat betreft posts omhoog haha

Why is saab spelled without the sååb?

which means? :smiley: I wanna know, I’ll tell you the swedish ones

Teach me some dirty dutch words


Why is saab spelled without the sååb?
Because we’re not stupid.

Are you George Clooney? Cus i’d like to have him in my family

undrar vad de betyder? hmmm…

Because we’re not stupid.

Are you George Clooney? Cus i’d like to have him in my family

Of course I am him! Just a younger cooler, seth gecko attitude clooney :wink:

Knark. Allt i holland betyder knark.

Knirk och knark och knirk och knark

Knark? Knirk?

knirke knarke you knirke knarker!

Of course I am him! Just a younger cooler, seth gecko attitude clooney :wink:
Nice. Then you could be uhm… The dad. yeah.