Subtitles, how to write them in a screenplay?

sorry for this newbie question, but how to you enter subtitle in a screenplay?

i would just say in the script that she speaks another language and then put her dialogue in braces. Dunno if that’s “official” though.

Yeah that works. Or you could use a parenthetical. I tend to do it like this:


(in Spanish)

Where are you going?

But I usually only use subtitles for very minor characters with very little dialogue. If it’s a main character with a lot of dialogue Crazy Kenneth’s way is definitely the way to go. But I think just as long as you make it clear that the character is speaking another language without being “distracting” about it, it doesn’t really matter how you do it.

i’ve been actualy writing the actual other language as regular dialogue, and writing the translation in parenthetical. so i’ve been using the parenthetical as the subtitle.

is this definitely not a good idea?

Probly not. If the character only speaks in the other language once or twice it’s not really a big deal, but if you’re constantly writing each line of dialogue twice it can get to be a bit taxing on you and the reader. Not to mention the fact it starts to screw up your page count.

Yeah that works. Or you could use a parenthetical. I tend to do it like this:


(in Spanish)

Where are you going?


I use this method also. Makes for an easy read and flow of the script.