Just for fun if there were a sequel to Death Proof, about Stuntman Mikes brother getting revenge or something what B Movie actor, or any actor, would you like to see play Stuntman Bob…
Mickey Rourke
[quote=“Thousand Eyes”]
Just for fun if there were a sequel to Death Proof, about Stuntman Mikes brother getting revenge or something what B Movie actor, or any actor, would you like to see play Stuntman Bob…
That would be pretty cool but I can’t think about any particular actor. I think Mickey Rourke would be quite good.
Mickey Rourke or Michael Madsen
Danny DeVito
Danny DeVito
Haha. You were joking, right?
Sylvester Stallone
"Eyyy…ya wanna go fa’ ride"
It would be great if he pulled up in his car from Cobra first.
Billy Bob Thorton is STUNTMAN BOB:
Picture him at the bar with a cheap red satin jacket on, in Bad Santa mode:
“What the fuck? You never heard of the TV show Flipper? Hey Warren gimme another shot of Wild Turkey”
Awsum 50 - what the fuck is that all about.
I think it said Cool 50s.
Nope just saw it on youtube - it says “Awsum 50”. I fucking hate Stallone! I just don’t like his voice and his stupid monkey face. Hey, but that’s just me.
Yeah youre right. I havent seen that in awhile.
Danny DeVito
Hahahahah. Brilliant.
I’d get Catherine Zeta-Jones to play him.
MICHAEL… MADSEN… 8) They sort of look alike and Michael got such a great voice.
Stuntman Bob: …This is for stompin on my brothers head…"
(Stuntman Bob pops the clutch and kicks up some sand…as he drives towards his victim, we see a shot of a little flag flipping in the wind on the back of his bike with the skull/lightning bolts logo)
(we then cut to a shot of a little license plate on the back of the bike, it reads: B.O.B.)
(Bob hits the girl we know as Abby on his moped and crashes)
(we then hear him crying like a bitch)
Tom siezmore could play him, he would just turn up in something like a Gran Torino and squash kim and abernathys heads with his heel. >:(
If by some medical miracle Mickey Rourke and Bruce Willis combined genetics to produce a badass combo of awesomeness, then the by-product of that union could totally be Stuntman Bob.
But then again, you can never fail with Michael Madsen.
I really doubt a sequel, but it would be awesome to hear something from Stuntman Bob in a future QT movie. Something like a charachter is reading a newspaper that titles:
Its really a shame Stuntman Mike died .
Its really a shame Stuntman Mike died .
Was he actually confirmed dead though? I mean sure he got 9 colours of shit kicked out of him, but I don’t remember a specific death scene.
Aby said: "Lets kill that Bastard"
And thats what she did…