Most people almost always have this reaction of disappointment when watching JB for the first time, especially QT fans who expect to see another Pulp Fiction serving. But the truth of the matter is this movie ages like wine, and it’s no surprise that some of these same people reverse their opinion and recognise the movie’s greatness after multiple viewings.
Admittedly, the first time i watched it it seemed a bit slow. But if you watch it again, after digesting the plot once, you can focus on the little details that make it one of QT’s best.
[quote]Forget Tarantino’s movies I’m talking about movies in general… [/quote]
If he puts it that way I guess Pulp Fiction and lots of other films are the same.
Jackie Brown is awesome. I can watch it over and over and never get tired of it, like I do with Pulp Fiction.
[size=2]That’s a bold statement.[/size]
[quote][size=2]That’s a bold statement.[/size][/quote]
THat’s a bold font.
Ah and don’t forget the soundtrack, great soul music… and Pam is fantastic…
I just got done bidding for the soundtrack! ;D
and Res. Dogs, sound track too.
Hey Guy’s i just wanna know one thing did anyone else not really like JB i mean it was ok and all but it was not tarantinos best but it was his worst and im a tarantino a holic. i think that tarantinos most popular movies are the more violent one’s because that’s what people see him as a shocker but i did like the change but i really didnt think it was all that good. anyone else agree?
I don’t agree. Imo Jackie Brown is as good as the other ones. I also think this movie is the best thing QT could do after Pulp Fiction.
I really don’t get why so many Tarantino fans don’t enjoy it.
That’s the negative side of Pulp Fiction being so awesome, people will always say the next movie you make (in this case; Jackie Brown) is worse
my guess is Quentin focused more on the production side of things than on the actual script, he gave more attention to camera-work etc. than on actualy writing it
Its still in my top 3,though
fortunately for me I don’t fall into marketing hype. On the DVD cover it says “full of laughs”, which I didn’t find at all on Jackie Brown. I still enjoyed it just as much as any other Tarantino movie though, because it was a great story and even more greatly told.
[quote]Hey Guy’s i just wanna know one thing did anyone else not really like JB i mean it was ok and all but it was not tarantinos best but it was his worst and im a tarantino a holic. i think that tarantinos most popular movies are the more violent one’s because that’s what people see him as a shocker but i did like the change but i really didnt think it was all that good. anyone else agree?[/quote]
another idiot who assumes that Tarantino means violence. get outa here ;D
if you dont like it, dont watch it. but it’s QT’s finest and most mature work up to date, including Kill Bill. i dont understand how anyone could not like Jackie Brown. The story is great, the music awesome and the actors are best of the best
There’s too many of these topics. No you’re not the only one to dislike Jackie Brown. A lot of us don’t like it.
But I like it. A lot. Watch it a coupla more times and you’ll appreciate it.
Hey  admin read the post again  :’(, i said…not me personally but people perceive tarantino as this violent director meaning when jackie brown come along some people may not have liked it because it was different THATS WHAT I MEANT :’( :’(. I’ve seen more violent flicks then tarantino i can tell you that. Jackie Brown may be his most mature work but it is definately not his best. at all.
I must agree, I too didn’t like Jackie Brown at first! I think what it was, was the scenes with Jackie Brown and the Michael Keaton scenes, i found them really borring and the dialogue wasn’t all that good (Tarantino standard) I loved everything else especially the Ordell scenes but the Jackie Brown scenes just werent interesting and were too slow for my liking. The acting, music etc is all brilliant but Jackie Brown aint interesting to watch as Vincent, Mr White and Beatrix are!!
I have seen the film a few more times now and i like it much more than i did before and i appreciate it more!! I guess the Jackie Brown scenes are ok!
Jackie Brown is actually my favorite Tarantino film… I usually find that it is peoples’ least favorite effort.
Hmm. I must not be wired right.
Wired or Weird? If you meant Weird, than off-course you aint you can’t be just for liking JB better than his other films. opinions are opinions!!
This all comes down to taste. Some people like Japanese samurai and/or yakuza films, those people will most likely feel that Kill Bill is his best work.(ugggh, me) Some people may have a weaknes for films that concern heists, robberies and such things, then you might go with Jackie Brown as your favorite, and so on… The only thing else I can say is that all Tarantino’s work deserve praise, they all in their own way (QT way) kick ass, uncomparable with the films you see generally in the cinema.
personally i loved it. but i did feel it was lacking usuall tarantino qualitys. that was good for me though as it was seeing a slightly different way of doing things. it;s like with kill bill. thats unbelievably different when it comes to directing the movie but i had the back and forth movement of chapters which i liked. made you think more.
basicall jackie brown was good but not one of his best :-/