This is bar none the MOST beautiful actress I’ve ever seen in my life! I saw her for the first time in La Ronde on a late Sunday night, but when they played Cat People and saw it for the first time, I was hypnotized by her delicate beauty! Woah! I mean –
And she can sing too!
Did anyone hear her sing in the sequel to the Cat People!
I have TCM to thank, I’m looking up he movies very soon!
The sequel of Cat People is great too. People often stick to Cat People and forget The Curse of the cat people. Though Simone Simon is a bit older in it, right ?
If you like Tourneur style, you really should check out his other movies. Sale for Robert Wise. Horror movies back then were more subtle, less about showing horrible and gory stuff to tease and please the audience. And the audience was still scared (by their imagination) even if they didn’t see much in the end. There are really a lot of movies from that period to check out if you want. I can recommand you some of them if you’re interested.
[quote=“cyber-lili”]The sequel of Cat People is great too. People often stick to Cat People and forget The Curse of the cat people. Though Simone Simon is a bit older in it, right ?
If you like Tourneur style, you really should check out his other movies. Sale for Robert Wise. Horror movies back then were more subtle, less about showing horrible and gory stuff to tease and please the audience. And the audience was still scared (by their imagination) even if they didn’t see much in the end. There are really a lot of movies from that period to check out if you want. I can recommand you some of them if you’re interested.[/quote]
Please do. i recently saw Max Ophul;s “La Ronde” - what a mind! I’ve honsetly never seen anyone bend the rules of cinematic structure like the Europeans!
I’m barely venturing to the Euro films - I’m sure as hell not watching any films that come out in this day and age. w#r
Do watch those movies if you’re interested in horror/fantastic movies like Cat People :
- From Jacques Tourneur : I walked with a zombie ; The Leopard Man ; Night of the Demon. Watch also Out of the Past, this is a film noir, not a horror film though it’s his best movie with Cat People.
- From Robert Wise : The Body Snatcher ; The Haunting
- Gaslight by George Cukor (if you have never seen The Women he directed, you might love it).
- Village of the damned by Wolf Rilla
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers by Don Siegel
Tell me what you’re interested in european cinema if you want any other recommandations.
[quote=“cyber-lili”]Do watch those movies if you’re interested in horror/fantastic movies like Cat People :
- From Jacques Tourneur : I walked with a zombie ; The Leopard Man ; Night of the Demon. Watch also Out of the Past, this is a film noir, not a horror film though it’s his best movie with Cat People.
- From Robert Wise : The Body Snatcher ; The Haunting
- Gaslight by George Cukor (if you have never seen The Women he directed, you might love it).
- Village of the damned by Wolf Rilla
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers by Don Siegel
Tell me what you’re interested in european cinema if you want any other recommandations.[/quote]
I love Cukor, I love Gaslight!
Angela Lansbury! Ingrid Bergman!
There’s a funny story surroungding Cukor and Bette Davis. As you may or may not know, Cukor used to be a stage director long before he became a respected filmmaker, anyways, Bette was auditioning for a play, and Cukor told Bette she did not have the talent to become a good actress. So Bette went to Universal, where she started her career - and that’s where the whole “Slim Somerville” line arose -
Anyway, my favorite Cukor film is “A Star Is Born” with Judy Garland and james Mason, the best musical for my money. He also directed Katie Hepburn, Joan Crawford, Norma Shearer - he was great. And gay. He was gay. I read that Clark Gable was uncomfortable with him in Gone With The Wind so they brought Victor Fleming. Ha!
You gotta love Gable! :laugh:
Ahah, nobody cares actually that Cukor was gay.
But A Star is Born is very good indeed. Check out the other movies I recommanded you and tell me more.