I was just fuckin’ w/ Trout in a sarcastic self-depricating kinda way.
Ive been MIA for a while and no one adds to my beautiful thread?
Come on you fuckers!
Ive been MIA for a while and no one adds to my beautiful thread?
Come on you fuckers!
Youd think people could stay on topic in this thread… the last page or so of posts probably stops anyone from contributing anymore… sad…
Oh and where have you been anyway? and did you finally see big trouble in little china? ;D
Whipping women is the best.
[quote=“Thousand Eyes”]
Youd think people could stay on topic in this thread… the last page or so of posts probably stops anyone from contributing anymore… sad…
Oh and where have you been anyway? and did you finally see big trouble in little china? ;D
Yea, i just thought sex was an interesting enough topic to focus on . My bad. And no, I haven’t seen Little Trouble yet, but its on sale where I work for 4 bucks!
o.k. let’s talk about it:
I have always wondered what position girls prefer. Also, most porno movies show a facial “cumshot” at the end of each scene (unless it is a glorious Jenna Jameson lipstick-lesbian scene). Do women really accept this kind of behavior in reality? I have never experienced it myself, but have always wondered what women think of it.
I don’t find facials attractive on any level. I’m open to just about anything when it comes to sex, but I find that unattractive, even disgusting, because I think it gets a lot of people off because its degrading. Now I don’t mind some fun dirty name calling and some rough stuff, but I draw the line there.
Thousand Eyes would like to contribute but… well… My relationships are too ambiguous and confusing and unsatisfying… who could love me? Also im too tired to continue posting right now… Too many 5 am nights… so the last thing ill do before logging off… will be to steal Kilgore Trout’s current wall attacking avatar… because i like it…
[quote=“Thousand Eyes”]
Thousand Eyes would like to contribute but… well… My relationships are too ambiguous and confusing and unsatisfying… who could love me? Also im too tired to continue posting right now… Too many 5 am nights… so the last thing ill do before logging off… will be to steal Kilgore Trout’s current wall attacking avatar… because i like it…
I have a VHS of Robert Rodriguez animations that look a lot like this avatar. It is about 15 years old. I don’t have a VHS player anymore -
I don’t find facials attractive on any level. I’m open to just about anything when it comes to sex, but I find that unattractive, even disgusting, because I think it gets a lot of people off because its degrading. Now I don’t mind some fun dirty name calling and some rough stuff, but I draw the line there.
can I call you dirty names?
Ok lets talk about S E X… Personally i have a huge foot fetish… Ive said it before n Ill say it again… I dnt understand guys that dnt appreciate the beauty of a female foot! I knw feet can be nasty, smelly, stinky and ugly and Ill never look at or get near them if theyre like that! However when a woman takes care of her feet, always keeps an eye on their hygiene, keeps them clean, gets them pedicured, takes care of her toenails, has couple of foot jewelery, moisturizes them, wears sexy high heels and theyre tanned you have to appreciate that… You knw if a woman is clean or not from her feet! Plus I dnt like all female feet! they can be fat, with very short toenails, red spots all over, dead skin or sweaty skin and thats ugly and a huge turn off! Male feet to me are the ugliest most unsettiling thing on Earth! I CANT LOOK AT THEM! For me to get turned on by a foot it should look feminine, high arched, soft soles and the toes should be in perfect pattern! Does that explain the fetish a bit more and decrease from its weirdness? Foot fetish is the most common fetish in males… How many movies have you seen where the sexy lead plays footsie with the guy under the table to turn him on? Admit it feet are erotic… When a sexy lady with long smooth legs dangles her shoes it catches your attention… My gf also likes to be treated like a queen… Plus to me foot fetish isnt a kink, cuz feet are part of the body… Most men like like ass holes and its considered normal however I bet you 100% that assholes are dirtier than feet lol… Just cuz feet are in shoes doesnt make them disgusting, there are some nasty girls with mouths dirtier than my feet… Bridget Fonda’s feet over Uma Thurman’s anytime!!! Hope Quentin reads my post LOOOL…
Uma Thurman’s feet: Turn off
Julie Dreyfus’ feet: Turn on
Salma Hayek’s feet: Turn on
Juliette Lewis feet: Turn off
Bridget Fonda’s feet: TURN ON
Angela Jones’ feet (Esmeralda Villalobos): Turn on
*Uma Thurman’s feet were aight in Pulp Fiction…
Give you an update on feet in QT movies after I watch Grindhouse lol…
Now these are what I consider sexy feet…
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. “Yes” is the answer.
btw…I bought this stuff called EXCITE GEL - made by lifestyles condoms - wow!!! this stuf is incredible
I could deal with a guy with like, a foot fondness, but not a full blown fetish. If you want to enjoy my feet a bit (and give me tonnes of foot massages wont hurt ), then thats fine. But if its like, all about the feet, all the time, then its not going to work. Im a woman, I have needs. And creepy drool puddles on my feet dont satisfy them.
Discussing sex on an internet forum? That’s kind of sad and creepy. ???
Who cares. Its just sex, another part of life. People need to loosen up.
On SBS a while ago there was a documentary about people who have realistic human looking dolls made to have sex with… kinda freaky…
[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
My friend and I had sex with a stripper named “silver” when I was in college. I didn’t really care for the event and I wouldn’t do it again. She seemed to like it very much. The double penetration in that situation went like this:
I was in her mouth, he was in her vagina. Then we switched. I was in her vagina, he was in her mouth. Condoms were used at all times, no one was injured. I am not proud of this and we never knew “Silver’s” real name.
Strip-club DJ voice: "all right everybody, let’s here it for “Silver”.
You missed out the part where you were in your friend and then your friend was in you and then you both fell asleep cuddled up to each other.
[quote=“Kilgore Trout”]
just because it’s your birthday doesn’t mean that you can make cracks like that without consequence. There will be consequences
Hahahaha. Looking forward to it. :-*
HAHAHAHAHAH thank you gentleman for the laugh......thanks a lot.
And i got a question for plunder, would you enjoy a man licking and tongue fucking your asshole? just curious how many woman enjoy that.
[quote=“Thousand Eyes”]
On SBS a while ago there was a documentary about people who have realistic human looking dolls made to have sex with… kinda freaky…
Where you throwing that outthere to see how socially acceptable it was there kiddo.