Hey Tarantino fans,
I work with my friends highly successful VIP movie tickets company and we have a load of Django Unchained (10th January 2013) movie premiere tickets where all the stars will be! I was wondering if you guys would be interested, if so then just message me and I’ll give you contact details,
thanks a lot
for London, right?
Ah, I cant message you yet. I am very interested in Premiere Tickets (2) for this week.
Hey I am interested! I cant message you though yet since I am new to the site.
Hello Josh,
Do you have any tickets left? I need two and am willing to pay a lot of money for them in cash. Please contact me if you have any left: samantha-owers@hotmail.com
Sam x
Please tell me if i can still get tickets or not. I really want them, no messing around ;D