Seijun Suzuki

Ive seen Tokyo Drifter and Branded to Kill. They are not really great movies but the weird stories, odd camerawork, and cool characters make the movies addicting.

The color coordinated scenes are so cool in Tokyo Drifter.

Have you seen Youth of the Beast? Its my favorite so far from him.

Ive seen Tokyo Drifter and Branded to Kill. They are not really great movies but the weird stories, odd camerawork, and cool characters make the movies addicting.

The color coordinated scenes are so cool in Tokyo Drifter.

Could you write reviews about the movies in the review section? That would be great!

I havent seen youth of the beast yet but Seijun Suzuki seems like a really cool director from what I have seen.

seijun is awesome, ive seen Tokyo Drifter, branded to kill and Youth of the beast, now im waiting for gate of flesh and story of a prostitute to come out on dvd

Since I’ve watched Tokyo Drifter I’ve been a fan.