Searching a soundtrack

Dear Tarantino Universe,

I´m new here, living in Germany and interested in Tarntino-movies.

I saw a Youtube-Clip with a nice Soundtrack. I ask for the Title, but the Youtuber forgot this. He only remember, that it maybe was from a Terentino-Movie. Here the Youtube-Clip

<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … 9446383021”>Freezing Cold Overnighter In The Snow - Part 2 - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>

I was half a Day searching and playing Tarantino-Sountracks in the web. Western at first. But I didn`t find the right.

Please help me to find it :slight_smile:



Sounds very generic, possibly newer music made to sound like from a spaghetti western. But I could be wrong

Hi Sebastian,

thanks for your answer.

Does it means, that this song is not from a Tarantiuno-movie?

The youtube-user forgot the title. He said it could be a Tarantino-Soundtrack or something from Morricone,

played by a newer, modern Orchestra.

I don’t think it’s Tarantino’s. I’d say its something from…hmmmm… The good the bad and the ugly probably? Yeah, I’d guess that its The good the bad and the ugly OST - might be orchestral cover.

I agree that this was probably an imitation of Morricone’s style rather than anything authentic. It sounds pretty generic to me as well, and I don’t think it’s from any sountrack I’m familiar with.