For a college production entitled Shakespearience where Shakespeare plays are developed to fit a certain stimulus such as 70s, modern day, sci-fi etc i created some short films to show inbetween scene changes.
The stimulus this year was Quentin Tarantino. I remade the infamous mr blonde ear cutting scene, you will hear some minor dialogue, not much but it has been re-written to match the dialogue being used in the Shakespeare plays such as ‘hadst’ and ‘thou’. Forgive the quality, i ripped it straight from the DVD plus uploading it to YouTube has had some what of an effect too. Feel free to comment it, that would be much appreciated. It is one of my first directed pieces.
It was filmed on a Canon XM2.
- YouTube
let me know what you think!
(also i realise there are some continuity errors, we had to get this filmed pretty quick, it took about half an hour/45minutes overall)
We created a Kill Bill themed video from when the Bride has escaped being buried alive.
- YouTube
This was filmed on some sort of Sony handycam for a more grainylook