QT's Profile (TheNewYorker) & Vol 2 Spoiler (!)

I haven’t read all the postings, so if someone has mentioned this before and this post comes off as redundant then apologies to everyone. But, what follows is a spoiler for Volume 2 included in QTs profile in this months New Yorker…

Michael Parks (genuine Texas Ranger Earl Mcgraw) will be playing another character in Volume 2: Bill’s former mentor, who The Bride tracks down in a filthy Mexican whorehouse. Qt apparently filmed the scene in a real Mexican whorehouse and used real Mexican prostitutes and their pimp as extras. The mentor character is mentioned in the original Kill Bill screenplay in this dialouge spoken by Bill (now altered and spoken by Parks in Vol. 2):


            You know, there’s an old man down

            here, his name is Esteban Viharo.

            He was a pimp. I knew him when I

            was a child. He was a friend of my

            mother’s. I told him about you.

            When I showed him your picture he

            smiles and said;

              (imitating his accent)

            “Yesss, I see the attraction.” He

            told me a story about taking me to

            the movies when I was five. It was

            a movie which had Lana Turner in

            it. And whenever she would appear

            on screen, he said I would stick my

            thumb in my mouth and suck it, to

            an obscene amount. And he knew

            right then, this boy will be a fool

            for blondes.

The article goes on to mention a scene between Bud and the manager of the  My-Oh-My strip club that I don’t remember being in the script.


yeah in EW they mentioned that shoot at the beginning of the full cover story where they had used an authentic mexican whore house in the outskirts like the infamous TITTY TWISTER

[quote] Michael Parks (genuine Texas Ranger Earl Mcgraw) will be playing another character in Volume 2: Bill’s former mentor, who The Bride tracks down in a filthy Mexican whorehouse. Qt apparently filmed the scene in a real Mexican whorehouse and used real Mexican prostitutes and their pimp as extras. [/quote]

When I read that it made me flash to the ending of Rolling Thunder (One of QTs favorite revenge films) where Charlie Rane and Johnny Vohden go down to Mexico to kill the guys who fucked him up. I think maybe thats the inspiration for it.



           "… He

            told me a story about taking me to

            the movies when I was five. It was

            a movie which had Lana Turner in

            it. And whenever she would appear

            on screen, he said I would stick my

            thumb in my mouth and suck it, to

            an obscene amount. And he knew

            right then, this boy will be a fool

            for blondes.


In another interview the reporter asked QT what part of the film reflected part of his personal life. QT didnt want to answer saying that was for himself to know. After reading that part of the script again, it made me wonder if that was drawn from his own personal history. Him being the little kid.

the My-Oh-My strip club is the club where Budd works as bouncer.

wait… Michael Parks playing Bill’s mentor?? I am confused now. Where is that article???

Nice tidbit.

I like the name of the strip joint already, the “My-Oh-My”. lol ;D QT comes up with the coolest names for places.

I see where he would do this. That part is not in the script, but he has to fill more of the movie, since one of his chapters in the movie Yuki’s Revenge is not going to be in volume 2. Rolling Thunder could definitely be his inspiration. I saw that movie, which starred a young Tommy Lee Jones, and the whorehouse thing makes sense. QT using Michael Parks again is logical, he used Gordon Liu twice.

A Mexican whorehouse? Sounds very much like the “Titty Twister” to me. :smiley: :smiley:

Does Uma go there and like kill the guy who trained Bill or something?

Maybe there could be a cool Western shootout in the whorehouse…that’d be cool as fuck.

It would be really cool if they had a shootout in the whorehouse and we get to see The Bride’s skills with guns.