Hoping to post some ideas for New film hope interst to any one out there
which ideas for which new film?
Some film called “inglorious bastards”. Wasn’t that released like 30-40 years ago? :-</E>
The film is in the can. The last scene shot was the Novak scene.
Poster ideas. Hmmmmm… :o
Hope you like taa
Shouldn’t you have posted this in the thread you created earlier?
Also, you’ve spelled the title wrong.
yep but the wyswig text box disn’t semm to working
[color=blue]Topics merged.
Nice posters, change the title and you’re onto a winner!
Top one is good. Second one is a bit of a mess. Make some more though
I don’t like either one. Sorry. It’s just that we’re talking Tarantino here… Not Stone.
But proper spelling may help…
Nah, it wouldn’t.
And the October 3rd bit :-</E>
Poor posters, not even the right title, it’s like they were made 2 years ago when we thought it would be a remake of Inglorious Bastards or something like that…I really don’t like the graphic style and the exclamation point idea. Doesn’t look like something tarantino would go for.
Apart from obvious spelling mistakes I think they’re okay. Not quite right for a Tarantino movie but a good try me thinks. If you enjoy makin posters Simon, then keep em comin because its creative and thats all good. You can only get better right?
That’s good. Keep making 'em and have fun with it. You might not make one that live’s up to Geoi’s high standard, but here’s hoping…
yeah simon, as I wrote in my email, they look nice but don’t capture the idea of the film very well
Well that’s the point of fan-made stuff - it’s to present the fan’s style. It doesn’t HAVE to be exactly like how QT would have done it!
Just realised it says “Quentin Tarrantino Iglorious Bastards”, haha, the more you look the more mistakes you see, it’s wonderful ;D
Keep up the creativity though, dude. I like them
PS: Is that a film projector on/as the tank?
It ain’t no goddamn Men on a Mission movie to end all Men on a Mission movies no more! ;D
no Ify, i’m just saying. there are no tanks and normandy beach landings in basterds, so the contents of the poster dont really reflect the movie at all. they are just ww2 themed posters with the movie’s title (spelled wrongly, if that’s already possible) on it
no Ify, i’m just saying. there are no tanks and normandy beach landings in basterds, so the contents of the poster dont really reflect the movie at all. they are just ww2 themed posters with the movie’s title (spelled wrongly, if that’s already possible) on it
My post wasn’t actually directed at you, but to RatQuiRit.
I think the movie-projector as a tank thing is a very good metaphor for what QT talked about in that recent Empire article - “the power of cinema that fights the Nazis”