Post Your Desktop

<333333 Muse

where’d you get that wallpaper? supercool :o

where’d you get that wallpaper? supercool :o


There are lots of cool wallpapers in the japanese site! ;D

Notice that all my icons are black and white. I’m just changing pictures in the middle regulary, right now it’s London in WW2 or something. As everything was black and white I decided to add some colors, so I put the Technicolor logo in the corner as if they made my beautiful b&w desktop. Now you are all jealous, aren’t you?


You’re alone, I was talking to “you all”

but you still can’t say, you all are jealous, if one of all isen’t.

A London bombing is not my favorite desktop…

A London bombing is not my favorite desktop…

All right you patriot, I was just looking for London pics black and white. Man, I LOVE London, and this was a stylish looking pic anyway. More - I have a London pickpocketing scene, Black Death victims in medieval London and London Sewer, haha. From nice pictures I’ve got Hyde Park and some fishermen. All old pics or drawings. Victorian times.

so why do you hate London, Bleach?

haha johnnie, nice one

That’s fucking cool

yeah, I love whiskey and takeshi kitano of course!

for some more kitano and walker:

Scorsese and Harvey Keitel (with the lion) also did some commercials for johhnie walker…I cant seem to find pictures of them…

anybody know where to locate them?


I gotta have that!
