Post Your Desktop

My shameful Grudge wallpaper c/o Paint ::slight_smile:

That’s mine… I’m a huge Dorie fan :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“The Shepherd”]
hey Ify, how often to you change your background?

mine’s been the same for a while.

Oh Sorry Bleach, I should have taken your likes into consideration before I so selfishly decided to post my desktop :wink:. I change my desk top quite often. Whenever I feel it needs changing! I get bored very easily. Although the following one I had for quite a few months for some reason…


Ooooooh purdy!! i like it!

i dont give a shit about my desktop…




Isn’t that from Mulholland Drive?

damn skippy it is, 5 hour makeup job for a 2 second performance

Cool, I can’t forget that stunning scene.

Well, that was exciting. First time I’ve ever posted an image on a forum! Yes, really!

Just waiting to be penalised for ‘not talking about films in a film forum’.

There it is!! It’s from ‘the grooviest motel in Wisconsin’ on LILEKS (James) :: Institute of Official Cheer

I don’t know how I feel about the place. I LOVED Graceland places like that, but this example… I dunno.

I cycle though desktop pictures every few weeks.



Damn Buono, that’s a nice fucking wallpaper.

Bleach, how do you hate summer? It is the best time of year.

not in Las Vegas its not.


(…its Chiaki, if you didnt know)

i knew that its chiaki

good job buddy


good job buddy


I liked your other desktop better

Wow, you did a good job :smiley: Letting all your pictograms look like chocolate chips

good job buddy


I think the big one in the middle is Internet Explorer