<LINK_TEXT text=“The Quentin Tarantino Archives - Everything QT since 1999 … 1&Itemid=2”>The Quentin Tarantino Archives - Everything QT since 1999</LINK_TEXT>
Ever wondered where the promised edited-together, full-lenght, 4-hour version of Kill Bill is? There are several reasons that might delay this release. And I just discovered one that seems very fitting: Miramax (the distribution company Quentin Tarantino has a contract with, including both Kill Bill Volumes) is owned by the Disney Company, which is one of the largest entertainment companies and has a family-friendly policy. That’s important, because what happens if Tarantino edits both Volumes together and includes the Japanese scenes? Correct, no more R-Rating. And Disney would probably block Weinstein’s Miramax Films from releasing an NC-17 rated film, because that would - now were back with the family-friendly company thing - violate Disney’s image as the Mickey Mouse company.
I discovered that while reading a very interesting article in the Hollywood Reporter, about Harvey Weinstein’s battle for independence (he plans on going seperate ways with Disney). Consider also, Disney has close ties with the MPAA, and there you have a quote from the article: [if Miramax would split from Disney…] Conceivably, no longer part of an MPAA signatory company, the Weinsteins could even release a planned NC-17 version of Quentin Tarantino’s merged action epic “Kill-Bill-Vols. 1 and 2.”
Read the entire article HERE(very interesting read).
Considering this, there might be more than “QT lazyness” to the delay of the “Integral Version” of Kill Bill.
I just can’t say anything else… it’s a shame from Disney !!!
No way, I want this edition, I’ve waiting too long ! Mirimax must split from Disney before than Disney split again Kill Bill edition !
I’m furious, furious, furious !
well its really not a “fact” that disney “blocks” it, but thats the conclusion I drew from that article, if you read closely
Even though it’s very upsetting that Disney would interfere with such an awesome movie, they had the right to. A lot of the production work was done near the Walt Disney World Hotels. The Miramax/Disney debate has going on for some time now, because Miramax makes films inappropriate for Disney’s target audience… children. However, as long as Disney does not displa its trademark all over these movies they will be fine. Disney just needs to concentrate on its Hotels Disney instead of worrying about how great movies will make them look.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Disney is interferring with TWBA, their boss is screwed in the head:
Jonas Brothers Get Owned By Mickey Mouse (South Park) - YouTube
Now let’s kill that fucking company!!!
Even though it’s very upsetting that Disney would interfere with such an awesome movie, they had the right to. A lot of the production work was done near the Walt Disney World Hotels. The Miramax/Disney debate has going on for some time now, because Miramax makes films inappropriate for Disney’s target audience… children. However, as long as Disney does not displa its trademark all over these movies they will be fine. Disney just needs to concentrate on its Hotels Disney instead of worrying about how great movies will make them look.
now what the funk has Kill Bill to do with their friggin hotels? an are you advertisting them?