Music for Tarantino's ww2

Mettellica "enter sandman"

Kid Rock "american badass"

Aerosmith "walk this way"

AC/DC "Back in Black"

Elton John "Crocidile Rock"

Flock of Seagulls "And I Ran"

Bruce Springsteen “Born In The USA”

[quote]Mettellica "enter sandman"

Kid Rock Ê"american badass"

Aerosmith "walk this way"

AC/DC "Back in Black"

Elton John "Crocidile Rock"

Flock of Seagulls "And I Ran"

Bruce Springsteen “Born In The USA”[/quote]

Are you kidding me? lol. Your too funny man. :slight_smile:

i was not kidding… would a 1980s/1990s Rock feel work for Tarantino’s WWII. Hey 1970s music has worked for him why not the 80s and 90s lol

[quote]i was not kidding… would a 1980s/1990s Rock feel work for Tarantino’s WWII. Hey 1970s music has worked for him why not the 80s and 90s lol [/quote]

I can see it now, the credits role as the soldiers are running through a minefield and Flock of Seagulls’ “I Ran” is playing.

Yeah, thats the ticket!! LOL. :slight_smile:

Cmon Pulp, you know QT is more original than that, to use 80s/90s music in a damn WW2 film. Sheeesh.

I agree!!!

Tarantino put a twist on “stuck in the middle with you” IMAGINE what he could do with 1980s and 1990s rock songs set to a war movie.

[quote]Tarantino put a twist on “stuck in the middle with you” IMAGINE what he could do with 1980s and 1990s rock songs set to a war movie.


Reservoir Dogs took place in the 90s and had retro music from the 70s, basically because thats when QT was growing up, it was a sort of tribute to his favorite period of music. QT created the film around the music, the music played a huge part in the theme of the film.

How can he make a film set in the 1940s and put AC/DC’s “Back in Black” or Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” on the soundtrack? That makes no sense.

I know what your trying to say, but in the case of Inglorious Bastards, I really dont think 80s or 90s music would fit in with that time period.

I think QT will have a regular movie score for it, no pop music. Its a WW2 adventure film, not a modern urban crime film.

Like I said, I do agree…!

ToothPicVega what about the sake of the movie being cool? wouldnt u want to see Sam Jackson torching a room full of Nazis with a flamethrower set to “American Badass”? Or the opening shot to be the Platoon destroying a nazi base set to AC/DC “back in black” As far as time period now ToothPicVega is all historically accurate on me! In the GB forum he says Tarantino doesnt have to make WWII a major factor! If WWII isnt a factor and is just the “backdrop”(toothpicvega quote) then why the hell cant Tarantino pick his own music?! do u think Tarantino will play freakin Frank Sinatra as Soldiers are blown to pieces? I understand ur argument of historical music working in a movie (Goodfellas) but yet Glourious Bastards seems to just be a fun men on a mission movie so i support my cry for 80s and 90s rock blasting during Tarantino’s war story.

"I can see it now, the credits role as the soldiers are running through a minefield and Flock of Seagulls’ “I Ran” is playing. "

lol,you’re a pretty funny guy toothpick

[quote]"I can see it now, the credits role as the soldiers are running through a minefield and Flock of Seagulls’ “I Ran” is playing. "

lol,you’re a pretty funny guy toothpick[/quote]

Thanks dog. :slight_smile:

[quote]ToothPicVega what about the sake of the movie being cool? wouldnt u want to see Sam Jackson torching a room full of Nazis with a flamethrower set to “American Badass”? Or the opening shot to be the Platoon destroying a nazi base set to AC/DC “back in black” As far as time period now ToothPicVega is all historically accurate on me! In the GB forum he says Tarantino doesnt have to make WWII a major factor! If WWII isnt a factor and is just the “backdrop”(toothpicvega quote) then why the hell cant Tarantino pick his own music?! do u think Tarantino will play freakin Frank Sinatra as Soldiers are blown to pieces? I understand ur argument of historical music working in a movie (Goodfellas) but yet Glourious Bastards seems to just be a fun men on a mission movie so i support my cry for 80s and 90s rock blasting during Tarantino’s war story.


I dont think your operating on all cylinders Pulp. Kid Rock’s American Badass?!! What the fu-???!! Kid fuckin Rock? HAHAHAHAHA!!!

QT will most likely not use any pop music in Bastards. Like I said, its going to be a regular movie score.


BECAUSE THE FILM TAKES PLACE IN GERMANY IN THE 1940s!! What does any of the pop music from the latter part of the century have to do with WW2? It just doesnt fit, no matter how you twist it, it just aint right.

Just think about it: Your watching a World War 2 film, a bunch of guys who were probably born in the early 1900s are fighting a group of Nazi’s or whatever, then all of a sudden the beginning beats to Walk Like an Egyptian start playing on the soundtrack, wouldn’t you be like: WHAT THE FUCK?!! THIS IS 1940s not 1986!!! I would. The retro music works in a contemporary film, like in Dogs, Pulp or Jackie, but you can’t put new music in an older era film. It just doesnt fit that time period. The world was a much different place.

Noone said when QT started directing that he had to put a pop music soundtrack in every film he makes. Its not always necessary. You gotta expand your mind and stop thinking inside a box dude. Just look at KILL BILL, QT has RZA and Lars working on a score for that too. I think this film will be a step in a new direction in that area.

you think i am not 100% there ToothPickVega…

look Kid Rock is not REALLY Pop Music in a sense.

ToothPickVega does everything have to be historically accurate for you right down to the freakin music

Tarantino makes Pulpy Cool Pop culture films

I wish we would stop yelling at each other and be united as fellow Tarantino fans

truce ToothPickVega?

Even if he did decide to incorporate any 80s/90s music,you must have been trying to think of the worst possible bands that would suit the film

Kid Rock?KID ROCK?? Holy fucking Shit,why doesnt he throw in some Korn and Limp Bizkit tracks too

haha, yeah, and O-Town :wink:

Pulp, I’m not dissing you, its cool.

I’m just sayin that this whole 1940s era war film being scored by late 20th century pop rock just ain’t right. I think you can understand what I’m sayin.

Inglorious Bastards Soundtrack featuring: Kid Rock, Metallica, AC/DC, The Bangles, Flock of Seagulls, Whitney Houston, O-No Town and Donny Osmond! lol. That really would be awful.

I’d like to see QT have some really cool composer do the score. Maybe this time he could actually get Ennio Morricone.

he should include some Swing and Jazz tunes, since it’s playing in the 40s.

okay composers?

John Williams?

Henry Gregson Williams?

thing is with composers you have an orchestra blasting… I mean It works with Star Wars and it MIGHT work with Tarantino.

Show Tunes and some Jazz might work

[quote]okay composers?

John Williams?

Henry Gregson Williams?

thing is with composers you have an orchestra blasting… I mean It works with Star Wars and it MIGHT work with Tarantino.

Show Tunes and some Jazz might work[/quote]

Show Tunes? You GOTTA be kidding me. Thats even funnier than your Kid Rock and Metallica idea!!! lol.

I can see it now, a bunch of soldiers traveling through the terrain of tanks and Nazi’s, and then suddenly, the sounds of Liza Minelli belting out “Caberet” begins blasting out of the background. HAHAHAHA. This is a Adventure film in the tradition of The Great Escape and The Dirty Dozen, not freakin Chicago or Moulin Rouge!! lol.

Pulp you should watch a War movie and play some Jazz or Show Tunes over it, then see if it matches. lol.

Wait how about the soldiers put down their guns and start dancing like in West Side Story!!

(losing breath from laughing)

Personally, I’d much rather see QT use a big epic sounding score to the film like The Great Escape type music. When I think QT War Epic I think marching music, big drums, maybe some flamenco guitar in certain parts to remind us of Spaghetti Westerns.

Spaghetti Western sounds cool, but… marching tunes and all typical war music…? mmm…