Does anyone have any idea how much time Pink would do?He stole diamonds,killed a few cops,and stole a car.So he’s looking at quite a long time.
And one more thing,had everything gone smoothly would Mr. Orange have been placed under a fake arrest,or would he have revealed himself when the cops came in?
I can’t stress this enough, there’s no proof Pink got caught at the end. QT shot the ending in such a way so that it’s up to the viewer to decide Pink’s fate, whether he got away or not. I, personally, think he got away. So no jail time for him!
If they contained White, then he probably would’ve revealed himself to the cops right then and there, but who fucking knows?
[quote]I can’t stress this enough, there’s no proof Pink got caught at the end. QT shot the ending in such a way so that it’s up to the viewer to decide Pink’s fate, whether he got away or not. I, personally, think he got away. So no jail time for him! ÂÂ
Pink was caught or shot at the end, right after he goes out the door, the cops showed up. If you listen close you can hear it.
If he survived, he would probably end up doing 20 + years in Susanville or San Quentin. He definiitely didnt get away.
If you turn up the volume loud enough, you can hear Pink scream out something like “I’m shot!” along with some garbled police shouting of “get out of the car” folllowed by Pink saying "Alright, don’t shoot!"
He gets busted big time, its just that Harvey Keitel’s moaning at the end makes it hard to hear. Still, he’s the only one to live, and that has to count for something.
yeah, i remember somebody saying that but they said the cops shot out at pink. Then he jumps out of the car and takes a run for it but gets cornered by the cops and is arrested.
Nah, I dunno about that. I thought QT made it so the viewer can decide. Didn’t he say that somewhere? I must be sleepwalking again, lol.
It sounds like he gets caught. So yeah, he’s fucked.
Susanville. Where is the general connection?
Bingo! It’s like interpreting the Bible. It’s up to you
There is no QT one big storyline!
Look at the whole movie! You’re not “right”
There is no “right”!
QT does this to watchers. You watch a while film and make assumptions that you think are truth - because of sirens Maybe Pink heard the sirens and they weren’t real. After he Goes out the door? Maybe he’s dead and his spirit goes out the door? Maybe he walks out and hears sirens and they are elsewhere and this is his new life?