Kill Bill Rocky-style fan video

Well actually I’ve made several of these, but since this one in particular has gotten pretty good ratings, I decided to post the link so you guys can watch it and tell what you think. It’s a pretty simple training montage, so I hope some of you don’t dislike Rocky.

- YouTube

Anyone who doesnt like rocky isnt someone i want to talk to…

pretty cool

why take something perfect and alter it?

why take something perfect and alter it?
[/quote]Because he wants to, it’s a free country.

why take something perfect and alter it?

it was ok but yes it is better in its original form.

Anyone who doesnt like rocky isnt someone i want to talk to…

Rocky is an American legend.

there are a small group of people that probably dislike it though.

Rocky is an American legend.
there are a small group of people that probably dislike it though.
there is more than A SMALL GROUP of people that dislike American Legends…:stuck_out_tongue:

no offense! I feel somewhat American myself, for I’ve lived there for a while :wink: