Kill Bill Movie reference (please contribute)

Yeah, but it’s a very cool in-joke, even if the square has differente meanings in both films. But I was instantly reminded of “Pulp Fiction” and really got a kick out of it as well.

The “square” bit in Pulp Fiction is directly taken from an episode of the Flintsotnes. I’m not convinced it’s being used a third time in Kill Bill. In KB, it’s being used to mean “even”, not “unhip.” (and therefore something you wouldn’t want to say about someone out loud.) If QT had put the dotted lines in, I’d be more inclined to think he was using it again.

LONE WOLF AND CUB references: the knife thrown at the meddling villager in the hold of the ship that takes off the tip of his nose (O-Ren throws dart) …the soliloquy given by the Master of Death after his throat has been sliced by Lone Wolf’s sword (O-Ren’s dying statement) … the women assassins carving up the male ninja and his appendage less body rolling across the temple floor (Sophie’s cut up body rolling downhill toward the hospital) This scene also reminded me of the two female assassins killing the woman at the beginning of Gosha’s “The Wolves” and her dead body rolling down that hill.

today i saw “hard boiled” again.

when O-ren drives with the crazy 88 to the “house of blue leaves” that reminded me of “hard boiled”.

the scene where “some” gangster (sorry i can’t remember their names) drive into a big hall. the car of the gangster boss is surrounded by many black motorcycles. also the camera angle is nearly the same.


My original movie references post still hasnt been included in this list. Seb, whats up? You gonna do it?

I’m pretty sure someone has already mentioned this, but:

When the one 88 is lying on the table and making some sort of crude joke in front of Sofie, he says “…bubble yum bubble gum!” That’s Mr. Brown’s “Like a Virgin” dialogue from Reservoir Dogs!

just saw tiger and dragon (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) today,

there is one scene where a woman shoots somethig out of ablowpipe to some woman. but she catched this thing comming out, and shot it back, to here.

that reminded me when, some one of the 88s shot the hatchet to uma, and she catches it…

also the camera movement is the same…

Okay, maybe somebody could help me out on this brainphart: Where did the “Donde esta…” soundbite come from? It was used in both KB and Reservoir Dogs (sheriff investigation scene when the radio changes and the Mr. Blonde “stuck in the ear” scene repectfully).

Another Pulp Fiction reference I noticed (I don’t think it’s been posted before):

When the Bride yells to O-ren “You and I have unfinished business!”, there is a close-up of her lips talking in the microphone. In Pulp Fiction, there is a close-up of Mia’s lips talking to Vincent through the intercom.

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The name “Hattori Hanzo” has been around for many years now as one of the characters in the long running and highly successful video games series of “Samurai Shodown”.

Fistfull of Dollars

In the Anime sequence the DiVAS are standing in a circle taking turns punching The Bride…the robbers in Fistfull do this to the 2 bounty hunters.

And maybe perhaps a reference to Good, the bad and the Ugly…(though probably more exploitation films) the freeze frame over a character…maybe?

And theshot of Clint Eastwood’s face badly burned and battered, and Tuco pointing the gun at him from off screen

Full Contact - Bulletcam

why is the blood fountain seems to always credited to Kurosawa and “Sanjuro”?? i remember it only being used once at the end of Sanjuro, but ive never really seen it anywhere else in Kurosawa’s films. is he just one of the first to use the idea of a fountain?

when do they use the bulletcam (in KILL BILL)?

[quote]when do they use the bulletcam (in KILL BILL)?[/quote]

Anime sequence...when O-Ren shoots one of Matsumoto's bodyguards in the head.

Pf reference

PF "my names Pit, and you ain’t talkin’ your way outta this shit"

KB "my names Buck, and I like to Fuck"

Maybe it’s just something he likes to do though

[quote]when do they use the bulletcam (in KILL BILL)?[/quote]
The anime sequence where the guy gets shot in the limo.

Yeah you sure have to see it 6 times to know.

Stop Questioning everything I fucking say asshole.

take a chill pill mother fucker

ooooooooooooo I said the word fuck that means I’m mad. I said fuck to get your short attention span running and to stop questioning everything I say. In other words fuck off and die please. >:(