UNless my calculator is broken, whats 2004 subtract 1949?[/quote]
I believe that equals to "55"
UNless my calculator is broken, whats 2004 subtract 1949?[/quote]
[quote]well the movie was made in 1995… and she was like 49 then … so…  o and just to add i would hav sex with madonna! and if i were maybe 20 or 25 years older and she stayed that age… Pam Greir[/quote]
Math doesn’t lie. And yes, I’d fuck Madonna too. and Jackie Brown was filmed in 1997
[quote]answer what question? This one, about you wanting to fuck Pam Grier? Or the Madonna one? Cause how the fuck did I win? Since when is this a game?[/quote]
But I recall you saying you would fuck Pam.
I missed the Maddona question. I fuck her, not Pam. [/quote]
Well between the two, I’d rather go with the singer.
my bad… did u guyZ notice in the movie max cherry is too old for the movie?.. his license says 1948 and he said he was 44 or something… does that make sense??? no it doesnt… o i thought it was 1995 my bad
the movie was made in 1997
and yes Pam Grier is hot, she’s definitely getting old now, but man in the 70’s when she did those nudie lesbo-prison movies…WOW look at dose titties maine
did you say lesbo?
uh…gotta go
there’s like one trailer from one of those kinda movies in the Jackie Brown 2-disc set. Look thru Pam Grier’s trailers on disc 2 to see a glimpse of her maginficent boobies. Go. Go now.
Those trailers are hilarious, Pam Grier says “that’s Mrs. Nigga to you!” -*kicks white bitch in the face
Fuck yeah, Pam was 100 times hotter in her prime than the overrated Halle Berry. She was still fucking hot in 1997, loved her curly hair in the MTV clip. :
i think she looked better, in the movie, when her hair was just curled at the ends… damn man she is one fine mutha fucka ;D! could you imagine getting married to Pam Greir, if you were both 20, how good the sex must be! but alas… i can only wonder ??? ???
I bet your keyboard is hella sticky.
nah… had to clean off the screen though… gotta work on my aim ;D
FUCK got some on the speaker >:(
I wish God would send a giant virus on these forums and kill all of the retarded ass people. Kinda like a new-age style Noah’s ARK
i would but yet again i am 13
[quote]i would but yet again i am 13[/quote]
i dunno
hes like a lamer version of me
is that possible?