Julliette Lewis IN FDTD!

Down syndrome + Bad acting skills = Juliett Lewis

Hahaha…down syndrome. That means it’s illegal for Julliete Lewis to have sex and make babies!

OH FUCK ME, that reminds me, I think I saw a glimpse of her in the trailer of Starsky and Hutch. Damn.

todd phillips is directing it and he tends to use a lot of the same actors. vince vaughn, will ferrel, and julliette lewis all were in Old School

[quote]Hahaha…down syndrome. That means it’s illegal for Julliete Lewis to have sex and make babies!


down syndrome people arent allowed to have sex or have babies?


down syndrome people arent allowed to have sex or have babies?
That’s pretty fucked up if you have that.

Well if you do have down syndrome, most likely your parents were inbred hicks who had sex with their cousins.

so…is it really illegal?

Jeez!..I can almost feel the Hate in this thread. :o

she does look wierd in NBK, not too bad in FDTD though.

I saw her in “I love the 80’s” on VH1…she looks ALOT better.

Well you see, it’s illegal for people with down syndrome to have kids because they have an odd set of chromosones. And if they have a different number of chromosones and they make babies, the kids will have it too. So yeah, if you’re a down syndrome kid, and you have sex, you’ll get handcuffs slapped on ya! :wink:

So what’s the point of having people with down syndrome? I mean…[size=1]couldn’t we just kill them?[/size]

[quote]So what’s the point of having people with down syndrome? I mean…[size=1]couldn’t we just kill them?[/size][/quote]

That’s what I say, but ya know how America is.

I brought up an idea to my school principal, to send all the fat obese people to concentration camps, but she sent me to the I.S.S. room. Jeez, what a bitch, it was only an idea.


That’s what I say, but ya know how America is. Just don’t say something like that around those damned Germans! Might give em an idea or two.


Exactly, er...i mean just kidding.


I personally don’t think she’s that bad. She’s no model, but nice figure anyway. She was mad cute in that Gap commercial a few years ago.

As far as her acting, she’s nothing special. Her dad is awesome though.

And who is her dad? Jerry Lewis? Martin Lewis? Saint Lewis? shrugs

i didn’t like her in FDTD neither in Natural Born Killers, i find her strange an d I think there are many actress that could done the films.

I liked her in NBK and in Cape Fear she too. Especially in NBK, she did a great job. It suited her well! But I agree with some guys of you, she looks like a mentally handicapted person.

I didnt like her at all in FDTD!

And her annoying voice. I hate her.

at least the chinese die, juliette lewis no, and since the first scene i see her i hope she die, but unfortunately she lives…shit!!

i thought she did good in NBK because she really is a inborn hick and just looks like trailer trash.

When she “asked” Richie to eat her pussy I thought that was so disgusting she is damn ugly.

I wish she got raped by deniro in Cape Fear like small chinese girls, but I don’t blame him though because she’s as ugly as a hat full of assholes.