Jami Bernard e-mail interview

You can see the details from link above:


Basicly the thing is that if someone has an question or two (and that’s the maximum) to the author of Quentin Tarantino: the man and his movies Jami Bernard please send 'em via PM or E-Mail via my QT-forum and only there.

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The interview questions are sent forward at saturday. The interview is first published in my finnish QT-site (www.tarantino.urli.net the Finland’s biggest QT-site (under constant construction)) then at DVD Plaza and then maybe here if Mr.Sebastian is willing to do that (are you ??? ).



LAST DAY TODAY! :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course I wanna publish that.

here are some questions:

  1. Is she friends with Tarantino
  2. Does she plan on doing another Tarantino-related project (article, book, documentary…)
  3. what are her thoughts about her book after all these years

[quote]Of course I wanna publish that.

here are some questions:

  1. Is she friends with Tarantino
  2. Does she plan on doing another Tarantino-related project (article, book, documentary…)
  3. what are her thoughts about her book after all these years[/quote]

Sorry, Sebastian. As I said before that I expect question at my e-mail or PM at my forums so I read these quite late (erhm, today… :-[ ).

Well, my 16 questions were bit like yours so nobody lost anything… :wink: and I sent the questions on their way on saturday.

Until the answers I hope to get by the end of this week I’ll wish you’ll figure out some real questions (to the addresses mentioned before) to Tom Sex Machine from [b]From Dusk till Dawn[/b] Savini.

How do ya like 'em apples?

The interview has been online couple of week now. www.tarantino.urli.net

Seems like no one - not even administrator of this forum is interested! :stuck_out_tongue: :’( >:( :frowning:


When I open your link, all I see are … :wink: letter ;)… I only speak german and a little bit english and french, so…

Don´t you think, that the problem is, that like me many people can´t understand a word?


yeah i cannot read it…

[quote]yeah i cannot read it…[/quote]

Geez… it can’t be that difficult. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, here is the direct link if you don’t know how the freakin’ links operate…

I think you WILL FIND OUT that the questions and the answers A R E indeed in english… >:( :-*

URLi.net - Alle Hotels in München


Geez… it can’t be that difficult.  :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, here is the direct link if you don’t know how the freakin’ links operate…

I think you WILL FIND OUT that the questions and the answers A R E indeed in english…  >:(   :-*

URLi.net - Alle Hotels in München


To be able to understand what I read makes it def. easier for me.. ;)
btw. If I understand your post right, you think, I´m stupid, cuz I can´t find out, that the interview is in english? Nice...
I have not that much time, man, if I open a site and every thing is:
Lue vieraskirjaa
Kirjoita vieraskirjaan,
I decided to post here to get a better link, than use my time for surching english words in your site. Not cuz I´m arrogant or stupid, only cuz I thought it would be better that YOU give the direct link, than I surch in a site I don´t understand...



To be able to understand what I read makes it def. easier for me… :wink:

btw. If I understand your post right, you think, I´m stupid, cuz I can´t find out, that the interview is in english? Nice…

I have not that much time, man, if I open a site and every thing is:

Lue vieraskirjaa

Kirjoita vieraskirjaan,

I decided to post here to get a better link, than use my time for surching english words in your site. Not cuz I´m arrogant or stupid, only cuz I thought it would be better that YOU give the direct link, than I surch in a site I don´t  understand… [/quote]

That’s odd!? There should be a big banner (image) which says Quentin Tarantino in big letters… by clicking that you’d access the site. Funnily enough is that the image doesn’t seem to appear to everybody…

But, now you have the direct link - so enjoy =)


That’s odd!? There should be a big banner (image) which says Quentin Tarantino in big letters… by clicking that you’d access the site. Funnily enough is that the image doesn’t seem to appear to everybody…

But, now you have the direct link - so enjoy =)


btw I clicked and see:
Tervehdys kaikille!
Olet juuri saapunut Suomen suurimmalle Quentin Tarantino fanisivustolle, joss sinulla on oiva mahdollisuus saada tietoosi kaikki oleellinen ja enemmänkin Quentin Tarantinosta ja hänen tuotannostaan - suomeksi. Eli jos Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill vol.1 tai vaikkapa True Romance-leffat merkitsivät sinulle jotain niin olet oikeassa paikassa. Toimitan tätä sivua periaatteella fanilta faneille eli pitää miettiä mitä aloitteleva QT-fani sivuilta hakee tai tarvitsee.. entä QT-friikit. Toivon vain, että sivu tarjoaa kaikille jotain ... jotain erilaista... sen perustiedon lisäksi - tietenkin.

Your´re right, I´m stupid. I only try to play a lazy person, the truth it, I´m too stupid to read your site. Thanx for your help.
Have a nice day!


Your´re right, I´m stupid. I only try to play a lazy person, the truth it, I´m too stupid to read your site. Thanx for your help.

Have a nice day![/quote]

Whatever. Is the interview cool or what?


Whatever. Is the interview cool or what?


yep! It is… ;D