I’m gonna fucking love it and I don’t give two fucks what critics think of it. The clips I’ve seen, all four of them, have left me panting for more.
So thanks QT, you’ve sold it to me.
Im not being dishonest when I say from what Ive seen I had a positive reaction to it. Nothing has dissapointed me. I dont think this film will be perfect to me, but I really dont expect that anyways. Im realistic. But I want to see it first, process it then I’ll decide what I really think. Im not going to make any apologies for QT. If I dont like it, I’ll say so.
No one knows if they’re gonna love this film, unless, uh… they’ve already made up their mind before going in.
Everything I’ve seen, clips-wise, I’ve liked (and liked a lot - opening & cafe) except for some of Pitt’s accent and deliveries. But that’s only, what, 5 minutes at most of a 2.5 hour movie…so there’s no way to tell yet.
i’m going to see it with moderate expectations in August. I think I’ll still love it but ever since I saw the first trailer for the movie my expectations have been lowered considerably. I watched the four clips from the movie and thought they were pretty decent, especially the one with that german guy comparing jews to rats. cold blooded.
I really loved the break out clip
QT, you had me at Ingl-OU-rious.
LOL, I’m not sure if I’ll like it better than some of his other films yet, but I do know that I will be there for the midnight showing.
My favorite clip was the interrogation scene, after that all the rest were really cool, I’m hopeful about this movie. I wonder what will be the opening weekends box office numbers.
eli was fu----ing killer in that trailer. i just hope that here in germany we won’t have everything overdubted ( is that correct?). I WANT the movie with all subtitles…or i’m turning into a XX chromosome type of the bear jew without even being jewish…
I wonder what will be the opening weekends box office numbers.
Doesn’t look like there’s gonna be any major competition in the way of the U.S. release. Wonder how it will look overseas.
eli was fu----ing killer in that trailer. i just hope that here in germany we won’t have everything overdubted ( is that correct?). I WANT the movie with all subtitles…or i’m turning into a XX chromosome type of the bear jew without even being jewish…
Yeah I was wondering the same here. Will they subtitle the americans or dubb them? I’d prefer the subtitles. Cause otherelse we’ll have the French and the Americans speaking the same fucking language. The shit is, they’ll probably dubb it, they don’t give a shit : they’ll do as usual.
Dubbing is more than likely not probable for the American audience.
Yeah, but that’s my point, I don’t live in America. I don’t know if Tarantino will insist over the non-dubbing policy out of the english speaking countries. More specifically in french and german speaking areas…
Yeah, but that’s my point, I don’t live in America. I don’t know if Tarantino will insist over the non-dubbing policy out of the english speaking countries. More specifically in french and german speaking areas…
Even if he does insist, there’s not a damn thing he can do about it. Many non-US markets only want dubbed movies. Weinsteins and Universal will not let hundreds of thousands of dollars go because Quentin says that the dubbed movies loose their integrity. Business comes first in the movie BUSINESS.
Yeah, I know you are right but still… I guess it will depends on the % of non-english language in the movie. But yeah my guess is since Brad is the star and people are used to hear him dubbed , good chance they’ll dub all the basterd team. Heck, the’re the real basterds…
Here in Germany/Austria the english will turn into german and the german will of course stay german.
I played “Call of Duty 3” where French, British and Americans were shouting german in battle, while attacking the germans. It’s stupid.
I also made up my mind…it’s a film that’s going to grow on me and I will be underwhelmed when I see it for the first time because it was so hyped in my mind but then when I see it for the second, third and so on time I will grow to like it more and more. Even Eli Roth’s performance will grow on me.
I know this by the Stiglitz clip. At first the music que seemed SO wrong and out of place, Pitt’s delivery was bad, and I didn’t like the fact that there wasn’t a good angle of Stiglitz. The next time i saw it, i appreciated the music more and i loved how they treated violence as second nature which made me not mind the no angle, even Pitt’s delivery seemed better (his accent will definitely be something that will need to grow on me)
[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]
Here in Germany/Austria the english will turn into german and the german will of course stay german.
I played “Call of Duty 3” where French, British and Americans were shouting german in battle, while attacking the germans. It’s stupid.
Haha! I got my stepdad that game. They all shout in English here.