How can somebody became... tarantino?

Haha, got to love the internet.


Quentin can AFFORD to write in a novel type style. He’s a well established screenwriter and director.That’s his longhand. But at the end of the day. The one everyone shoots off of is traditional. If not… I’d be surprised.

Very surprised.

As a new writer. You may have written hundreds of scripts. But until you’ve sold one, optioned one etc. You are new. Winning contests help. Anyway, as a new writer traditional format is the way to go. It helps to organize your thoughts. Who’s doing/saying What to Whom and Where.

When I wrote short stories and one novel it was a great experience. And it also made it hard to make a switch over to screenplays. You wanna keep that flow of idea and description and speaking out of a character’s mind. NOPE.

Which is why the format for a screenplay is what you should follow. Keeps you thinking “they can’t see a thought”. ACTION is what you’re writing. Not thoughts or feelings. DIALOGUE: etc.

All I know is that through webpages and reading about screenwriting (Syd Field’s book I found long ago) and conversing with other screenwriters. It’s the best way to begin. Can’t afford a class, so I do what I can.

How to become Tarantino in 5 easy steps:

  1. Dress like a dork
  2. Kick the living shit out of anyone who wants to alter your script.
  3. Look at your dvd collection, grab a felt pen and write “[Your Name] presents” on each cover.
  4. Jerk off to pictures of Uma Thurman.
  5. Write a script every 10 years.

How to become Tarantino in 5 easy steps:

  1. Dress like a dork
  2. Kick the living shit out of anyone who wants to alter your script.
  3. Look at your dvd collection, grab a felt pen and write “[Your Name] presents” on each cover.
  4. Jerk off to pictures of Uma Thurman.
  5. Write a script every 10 years.

Fucking Classic !

How to become Tarantino in 5 easy steps:

  1. Dress like a dork
  2. Kick the living shit out of anyone who wants to alter your script.
  3. Look at your dvd collection, grab a felt pen and write “[Your Name] presents” on each cover.
  4. Jerk off to pictures of Uma Thurman.
  5. Write a script every 10 years.

This man speaks the truth.