Help for split-screen using Final Draft 6

Like in the Kill Bill script, I’m trying to work something with split screen.

And if you can’t do it in final draft, could somebody give me a different/better program to use?

Maybe you can use Adobe Premiere.

No, I’m talking about in script (screenplay) format.

There’s no “format” for this. Techniqually you aren’t suppose to direct from the page. And you should generally stay away from it.

Though if you insist, just say that it’s a split screen shot in the ACTION.



On the RIGHT-HAND SIDE is Ordell with his hands barely touching Jackie’s

throat. On the LEFT-HAND SIDE is Max driving home in his Seville.

What I did was go under Character. and I made the first Character LEFT SIDE then I typed everything that would happen on the left side. Then I went under Charcter again, and typed in RIGHT SIDEand typed everything that would happen on the rigth side. Then Highlight both and click on Dual Dialogue. Looks purdy.

There’s no “format” for this. Techniqually you aren’t suppose to direct from the page. And you should generally stay away from it.

Though if you insist, just say that it’s a split screen shot in the ACTION.

What is "directing from the page" exactly?


Low Camera Angle of shoes

cut to: over head shot of car

shit like that

Yeah but writers do this all the time. Especially if they know they’re going to direct it.

well its a heated discussion to direct from the script.

It like to novelists about using the word AND to start a sentence…

but most actors and producers ignore the directions so…

this is a pretty good little thing about screenwriting on the Bruce Campbell site

<LINK_TEXT text=“Bruce Campbell, The Official Website - … advice.htm”></LINK_TEXT>