I was curious. What is the significance of the symbols (The Lioness vs. The Demon) that Bill and Beatrix bear on their Hanzo swords? Keeping in mind that Hanzo made them specifically for the wielder. Did Hanzo prematurely predict Bill would become a killer to the degree that he did? Is it significant that they actually never cross swords? Rather she attempts to kill him with both a Gun and HIS sword, but eventually kills him with a technique that pai mei gave her - when it was Bill that brought her to train with him.
This is a revenge movie. The motivation for Uma’s character is her thirst for vengeance. At the end of her blood splattered journey she unexpectedly reunites with her cub. Does the final quote of KB-V.2 make sense in that regard? Shouldn’t the simple satisfaction of settling the score make “the jungle” right? Isn’t she demonic in some regard, for killing her daughter’s father?
I can only answer the bottom questions, so ill try.
The Thing is, revenge isnt so cool. Lets say B.B. would have died, and the Bride would have killed Bill without getting her daughter. Her new friends are dead because of Bill, she killed her old friends, she would be totally alone now.
And to ur last question, thats the thing with revenge, ure just as bad as the guy you want to punish. And imagine the crying of all ZOMGACTION fans if she wouldnt have killed Bill
[quote] Isn’t she demonic in some regard, for killing her daughter’s father?[/quote]
Of course, any killing act especially revenge is demonic.
[quote]Did Hanzo prematurely predict Bill would become a killer to the degree that he did? Is it significant that they actually never cross swords?[/quote]
Yes, Hanzo already prematurely predict that Bill would become a killer as what he did.